Chapter 4

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Hi everybody sorry im a liitle late on the upload ,but I will try to get them up faster. Thanks for the encouragement though.I really need it.:)

Chloe's Pov

Two weeks later

Going to school has know become a hassle , with Rob there I try my best to keep away from him even though I feel myself drawn to him. After he came by and dropped off that homework assignment, mom came home ,and somehow found out someone had been there besides me. She was mad as heck .I told her it was just another kid from school dropping off a homework assignment, but that didn't pacify her.She made me go to my room and told me to never let someone in the house or be around people I don't know again. Somehow this infuriated me and I haven't spoken a word to her since . I was walking out of the school parking lot , and heading home when I heard foosteps running up behind me . I was faster than most people in my reflexes, so I did a backflip over the person and landed behind him. I straightened when I saw it was Rob. To say the look on his face showed surprise was an understatement. " Wow that was awesume ." he exclaimed. " Yeah so what do you want? " I asked . Rob looked shaken. " Well I was wondering if you want to come over to my house and help me study for that test we have in algebra. I'm not getting it at all." I looked at him curiously. "I dont know if I should." I sighed." Please .I really need the help." Rob gave me the cutest puppy dog looking face I had ever seen , and I instantly melted.Plus , I knew my mom was going to be at the hotel for the night shift ,and wouldnt be home until tommorow morning sometime." Ok ." I smiled .

Rob's Pov

It  had been two weeks since I last spoke to Chloe , and it was killing me. All my wolf could do was howl and moan at not being close to his mate.Finally one day after I couldnt take it anymore, I saw Chloe walking out of the school parking lot. I decided to ask her to help me with my algebra homework even though I didn't need it, I was a wiz at math. I ran up behind her and tried to catch up with her and she freaking did a backflip over my head. I stared at her in shock. I knew she was a were ,but most werewolves did not have reflexes like that unless they had an alpha bloodline. After convincing her to help me with my homework, I led her to my truck parked on the other side of the school parking lot. I loved my truck . It is a 2012 white chevrolet avalanche, and my parents gave it to me for my last birthday when I turned eighteen. That was the most important birthday for a wolf, because that is when most weres shift for the first time . After that you can recognize who your mate is by just looking into their eyes. I helped Cloe in the truck ,and crunk it up as soon as I got in. " I love your truck .I always wanted  to get one of these when I got my license " she smiled.I looked at her confused. " So you arent old enough to get a license yet/" Chloe turned her beautiful green eyes away from me to look out at the passing traffic. " No I am only seventeen and my mom doesnt want me to get one until I turned eighteen."She sighed. " O ok." I said , not knowing what else to say. The rest of the way Chloe stayed quiet until we pulled up at the pack house. Chloe gasped. 

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