Chapter 6

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OK everybody . Things are going to start getting more suspenseful in this chapter.

Rob's Pov

I waited for her reply , but she just kept staring at me . Gosh she 's beautiful and that kiss was the best I have ever had . It took all I had to keep my wolf contained and not mark her and claim her right then and there. She tasted like strawberries ,and that made me want to devour her. All of a sudden Chloe jumped up off the desk and glared at me,To say she was mad would be and understatement." I thought you cared about me Rob . But like always I was wrong. You just wanted me for some fun huh!!" She yelled. I couldnt breath . " No Chloe it s nothing like that ." I replied. " Yeah right. Well guess what I never want to see you again. " she screamed . Chloe took off out of the room and ran down the stairs. I tried to catch her ,but she was fast for a she wolf. I stopped at the front door and saw Chloe still running sobbing as she went. Why didn't she believe me? And how can she not know she's a werewolf? I ran into the forest that ran along side the road , and shifted into my huge silver grey wolf . Like me my wolf has blue eyes, but my fur is so grey it almost has a blue hue color. I didn't stop her , but I followed her until she got safely home. I didn't want my mate to get into any trouble.After watching her walk into her house ,I turned around and hightailed it back home feeling like my whole being was missing. I walked back up to my room and sat on the bed putting my head in my hands. Her scent was still strong in my room , and made my wolf wine in want for her.' We need our mate. Go comfort our mate.' my wolf stated.I sighed internally. 'We will we just have to give her time until we can prove this to her. 'I replied. This promise I would keep I was going to get her to see herself for what she was even if it killed me in the process.I needed my mate , and I didn't know how much longer I could go without her.

Chloe's Pov

I ran home like my life depended on it. My insides felt like they were on fire , but I pushed myself even harder. When I finally reached my room , I fell on my bed and started sobbing. I couldn't understand why I was acting like this . I mean I barely new Rob ,and yet I felt like I had just been hurt by my lifetime partner. Finally after I was out of tears I pulled myself up and went to take a hot shower. It helped calm me a little . I took my clothes down and threw them in the washer. I didn't want my mom to know where I had been. The next morning I got up feeling like I had been hit by an eighteen wheeler. My mom had just come in from work and was getting ready to head up to bed. She stopped when she saw me though. "Honey , what s wrong ?" She asked. " Nothing mom. Just tired and drained from school." I replied , sitting on the bar stool. She smiled " O ok . Well how about next week we go out for your birthday." I put on a fake smile ." Sure mom that would be great. " I grabbed an apple an trecked the long walk to school. I sat at my desk in algebra and noticed instantly that Rob wasn't anywhere around and neither were his friends.I couldn't understand why I was so jittery. Mr. Rogers handed out the test and still Rob had'nt showed up .After class I walked to my locker feeling more exhausted . I couldn't understand why I felt myself craving for his presence, and yet again I was angry  at him for what he did . My other classes passed by slowly ,and all I could think about was Robs kiss. Man he was such a great kisser., Not that I could compare it to many. But the way my body responded to his was electrifying and magical. I never came remotely close to feeling anything like that before in my life. After school I went by the grocery store , and picked up a few groceries since I knew my mom didn't have time.. On one of the aisles I saw a strange guy following me , so I hurriedly payed for my things and left. He didn't follow me out of the parking lot , but he did watch me leave. I almost ran home ,but thought better of it with all the groceries I was carrying. " This is ridiculous next year I am so getting me a car." I mumbled to myself.

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now