Chapter 7

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Hi everyone I'm having a hard time coming up with a cover for my book anyone got any ideas. Comment and let me know.thanks.

Rob's pov

" Tyler are you ok man?" I asked , my eyes showing concern.I was with Tyler and Van at the pack doctor's house . There was rogues that had penetrated our southern borders , and my dad had sent us three to go take care of the problem. The rogues numbered easily ten, but we took them easily since they were very poor fighters. Tyler got pretty beat up though ,since he took the brunt of the fight. He had a broken arm and leg . Tyler waved me off with his good hand . "Yeah man ,no prob." He stated. Judy busted through the doors not long after he said that. She ran over to Tyler and started kissing him,asking him over and over if he was ok.Me and Van just laughed we knew werewolves were fast healers , and that he would be well in a day or so.Judy turned and glared at us." I want yall out know!" she said . Van threw his hands up and walked out muttering something about horomonal females.I chuckled ,but walked out and headed to my dads office . I wanted to talk to him about chloe.As usual my dad had his head buried in his paperwork,I cleared my throat to make known i was there. He looked up at me startled, but smiled as soon as he saw me." Son come in . What can I help you with?" my dad asked me . I sat across from him on the lounge couch , and his expression changed to worry when he saw how tense I was. "Something up?" he asked.I pushed forward on the couch and placed my elbows on my knees looking directly at my father. " Dad I have found my mate." I smiled . My dad's worried expression changed very quickly and he was smiling when he got up from his chair and shook my hand. "Congratulations son . Who is she?" he questioned. My face lit up thinking about my beautiful Chloe. " She is a girl from school dad and her name is Chloe.She is perfect and is going to make a perfect Luna." I stated. " Is she human ? Is that why you haven't brought her to meet me or your mom yet?" he questioned clearly confused. I sighed . " No she is not human dad ,she is a werewolf." My dad 's face even scrunched up in more confusion. "Well whats the problem?" My wolf wouldn't let me stay still , so I got up and started pacing the room. " The problem is dad she doesn't know she is a werewolf." I explained. My dad's face look like something had just dawned on him. " Son is this girl's last name Foster." He asked . I looked at my father shocked. " Yes but how did you know" My father brushed a hand over his face and sighed. " Well about two weeks ago I had this older female wolf came to me explaining that she and her daughter needed a place to stay for awhile . She told me that her daughter didnt know what they were and she wanted to keep it that way. I asked her the cause and she told me . I want repeat anything she said because it was in confidence ,but I did do a background check on her and her daughter. They checked out fine so I granted them sanctuary as long as they needed.' He explained. " So thats why Chloe doesn't understand what's going on."I stated.My father stood up and summoned for me to do the same as he lead the way through the house. " Where are we going ?" I asked. My dad stopped walking and turned to look at me ." We have to go talk to Chloe and her mother . That way you and Chloe can have a chance, and Chloe can finally find out who she really is ." He explained to me. I nodded understanding what he was saying. My dad and I got in my truck , and we drove towards Cloe's house. I just kept praying all the way there that Chloe will accept me as her mate and try to understand who she is after being lied to all these years.

Random person pov

I saw Chloe at the grocery store. The bossman is going to flip when he finds out. She has gotten so beautiful. The boss wasn't happy when her mom took her and ran, no not at all. O I can wait to be the bearer of good news. Maybe I will get rewarded. I am going to stay in this town and watch every little move she makes , and report it all to the bossman. He will know when the time will be right. O yes he will.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so how are yall liking my book? What do you think will happen once Chloe finds out what she is?

Hope yall enjoy my peeps.-kayla

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