Chapter 1

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Chloe's Pov

New town and New people again. Mom says that we will be staying in this town at least until I graduate. What she doesn't understand is that I don't really care if we do. In school, I don't make friends I remain invisible by keeping my head down and wearing hoodies to cover my face. I don't let her know this so as not to worry her. Looking in the mirror, I don't think I look remotely pretty so I put my auburn hair in a pony tail and tuck it up under my hoodie. My eyes are what strike most people senseless they are a emarald green with gold flecks at the corners. "Thats as good as its gonna get " I sigh to myself. I walk down the stairs smelling bacon and eggs. My mom was up early cooking again.When I walk into the kitchen my mom looks up and smiles at me. " Morning honey I fixed you some breakfeast . After today I will be starting my new job so I wont be able to do this much anymore." She said setting the plate of food in front of me as I set down at the table. Mom had gotten a job as a desk clerk at the local hotel, and would be working many swing shifts. When I finished eating I grabbed my backpack, and gave my mom a hug . " Love ya mom." I said ,running out the door " Love ya too " she yelled atfer me. Walking to school didn't take long , and as soon as I got their I went to the office. The lady behind the desk was really nice , and gave a huge smile at me when I walked up to her desk. " Hello , dear . " She smiled. " You must be Chloe Foster the new student." I stared at her shocked."Yes mam but how did you know that?"I asked. " honey this town is so small everyone knows everything here." she laughed . "o ok" I smiled back." Here is your schedule ,dear" I took the schedule and said goodbye to the sweet office lady, As soon as I was out the door I took a quick look at my schedule. I. Algebra 2. Biology 3. History 4.sociology and 5. chemistry. " man this sucks." I mumbled to myself .I look at the map of the school and go to try to find my first class.

Robert's Pov

Groaning I slowly pull myself out of bed , and listen to the sounds of the pack house. Being the alpha's son we get to stay at the top floor of the mansioned size house , but that barely limits the sounds of all the people in the house.Our pack contains a total of hundred werewolves , but not every one lives here some live on other parts of the grounds of the territory our pack owns. My dad Dale Haynes is alpha and so when I come of age I will get handed the title .After throwing on my clothes , I jump at the sound of my best friend and beta Tyler Collins pounding on my door. "Hurry up Rob. Were going to be late for school again." He yells. I open the door " Got to be any louder." I grumbled, following him down the stairs and out to his car.Tyler laughs as he starts up the car and pulls out onto the highway. "Man you are so grumpy in the morning."" Yeah I guess. Hey wheres Judy.?"I ask . Judy is Tyler 's mate and he never lets her out of his sight. Mates are your true half and soulmate. Werewolves have only one mate, and find each other as soon as eye contact is made with them. When you touch sparks fly ,and you almost cant control yourself from mating and marking. Mates are for life though , and you cant cheat because you will go through searing pain and so will your mate." Shes already at school. She had a project she had to finish."He luaghed . "o right. She can be such a nerd." I laughed, as we pulled up into the school parking lot. "Yea but shes my nerd." Tyler growled. " Gotcha man."I said throwing my hands up.Tyler and I walked into algebra and went and sat in the back with the rest of our friends .

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now