This chapter is short.
"Mark my words, imma ball without you." - Future
"Low down dirty bastard!" I scream as I throw all of Ant's shit down the stairs. I'm so glad the kids are with Montana right now because I'm pissed.
"Couldn't even defend my mothafucking ass against a hoe!" I yell, storming back upstairs. I grab the big box Amari and LaLa's custom drop top Audi, toddler car came in then drag it in our closet.
I start throwing his shoes in it. "Damnit!" I scream, frustrated. This box is full of his shoes and he still has hundreds of more shoes I have to pack up. I drag the box out of our room, then kick that bullshit down the stairs. All his shit will be right at the entrance of our mansion waiting on him when he gets here. He lucky I didn't burn that bullshit.
I storm back into the room then pull his drawer containing his boxers, a gun, some condoms, and his undershirts out, then walk to the stairs. I throw it over the rail and watch in satisfaction as the wooden drawer breaks, sending his stuff flying some of everywhere.
I walk down the stairs then start taking some of our pictures off the wall. I toss them in the pile of most of his stuff. I go grab all the keys to his different exotic cars then throw them over there. I mean it when I say I want that nigga out of here.
The front door opens. He walks in looking defeated. His eyes widen as he stares at all his stuff. "You lucky I didn't bleach or burn it. I'll have the rest of your shit in that bitch front yard by the end of the night. Don't act so surprised, Ant, go get that bitch to help you pack it up cause you getting your ass up out my house and I mean that, my nigga." I say to him, throwing his crackers he bought from Walmart in the pile. I mean it, I want it all out of here, his food included. "Yeah, you can go feed that bitch with yo mothafucking food cause I want that bullshit out my refrigerator and pantry too." I add.
His eyes widen. "Jessica, how the fuck you gone try to put me out of the house I pay the bills in? I pay the bills in this big ass house, I pay for all our cars, I pay for all the mothafucking food in here, my ass pay for everything you own right now so sit down somewhere, it'll be a cold day in hell before I leave the shit I pay for." he calmly says.
I narrow my eyes at him then smile. "You must be forgetting? Bitch, your money wouldn't be nowhere near as long as it is without my ass! The feds would be all over your ass if it wasn't for me flipping that shit and making it legal with my stocks! Don't mothafucking play with me! Without me, you ain't shit but a confused ass wanna be hard, spoiled ass hood nigga! I cook, clean, do laundry, take care of our kids, and then come home and fuck you when I ain't tired and the way you repay me is by cheating on me with thirty something bitches over the past three years? You repay me by complaining cause you want your dıck sucked when I'm around here handling this house every gotdamn day, Antasia? All you do is disrespect me and you a weak ass nigga for doing me dirty like this only cause you wanted sex! Fuck that! Now like I said, call that bitch and tell her I said come help you pack your bullshit up cause I want you out of my damn house right now!" I scream at him, then throw his pack of Oreos at him and watch as it bounces off his nose.
"You lost your damn mind, Jessica. Like I said, I ain't leaving my house" he says. "Oh, really? Wanna bet?" I ask, grabbing Tae's baseball bat he left beside the table. "Mane, quit over reacting, put that fucking baseball bat down, and help me put this shit back up. You doing all this extra uncalled for shit for no reason." he says. "Me kicking my no good ass husband out our house because I found out he's been cheating on me for three years and slept with over thirty something different hoes during this mothafucking marriage is uncalled for? Fuck that, bruh, I'm thirty six years old, I'm too mothafucking grown to be dealing with this bullshit! Get your ass out!" I scream at him.