For the people who act blind like they didn't see Drew in the media on the other chapter and keep asking, DREW IN THE MEDIA. 😍
For those asking for my snapchat, it's Eriee_renee 💙
"Let a nigga try me." - Dej Loaf
REIGNI don't know why my dad made me ride to Walmart with him because he didn't even say anything on the way there. In the store he just asked me simple questions about what snacks I wanted. Now we're on our way back home. He keeps on glancing at me and I don't know what's on his mind.
"So, wassup with you?" he slowly asks me. "Daddy why you talking so slow? Your accent made that sound weird." I say. Even though I'm used to my daddy's thick New Orleans accent, every once in a while he says some things that make his accent completely stand out to me.
"I'm just chillin'. Now, wassup with you?" he asks again. "What do you mean? Why are you asking me that?" I ask. "Cause I'm just trying to see where yo head at, that's all." he answers. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. Nothing really." I answer.
"Where yo head at when it come to these niggas?" he asks, turning the radio off. "I don't have a boyfriend." I answer. He nods his head. "What happened to ol boy Jah? You ain't been going behind my back to fuck with dude lately. What's goin' on?" he asks. "You're gonna want to kill him so I'd rather not tell you." I say. He shakes his head. "Reign, I don't ever wanna see you hurt behind no nigga. I never wanna see my daughters shed tears over a nigga but the reality is that's gone happen regardless. I just gotta accept that you growing up and be more open minded. You ain't gotta be scared to tell me what happened. I'm calm." he says.
"Well, Jah just wanted sex from me. Yeah I knew that kinda from the start but over time I thought he really liked me and had real feelings for me. So some days ago he called me and told me that he just wanted sex from me in the beginning but now he really wanna start over and stuff. I don't know why but my feelings were real hurt so I've been ignoring him all together." I explain.
He nods his head. I'm just waiting on his extreme over reaction. I won't be surprised if my dad sends a hit on Jah tonight. "Daddy, don't do nothing to him." I say. I already know how my daddy get down.
"I'm not. Why you go for Jah thug ass? Him being like nineteen might not seem like it's a big age difference cause you just turned sixteen and that's three years apart but it is. He got a child and he been through hell in his life. You just a spoiled lil rich girl, ya know? It's a big difference. He on a whole other level. Be real, you ready to love on a nigga baby like your own, cook for a nigga and shit, and take dick when he ready to give you that shit? Cause best believe ain't no sexually active grown ass man gone not get no pussy on a regular from his girl." he says.
I sigh. "Not really. I'm not having sex yet. I'm really not ready." I admit. "Exactly. I hope you get where I'm coming from though. You still a young girl finding himself when he a grown man. Jah been grown before he was legal. Both of y'all on two different levels. Maybe, when you get a lil older and I get to know the nigga better and see where his head at, I might approve." he says, catching me off guard.
"You willing to get to know Jah?" I ask, shocked. "I don't fuck with him at all but I mean I can't stop you from liking young niggas and growing up. I can't stop that lil puppy love bullshit, ya know? The least I could do is get to know him and if he straight I'll approve of it when you a lil bit older." he says. "I don't know if I should deal with him. His baby momma is Noble's first love, Touri. Plus, he was playing me." I say.
"If you really gone try to fuck with him at some point in life, you can't hold on to the past if he really wanna fix shit. I was playing yo momma for some pussy for a while and fucked around and fell in love with everything about her. You just never know." he says. I raise my eyebrow. "Why you being so nice about this?" I ask. "Cause I'm being a realistic parent. I can't force you to not have yo lil crushes and like boys." he says.