"Wan't beef? I'll serve a bitch that old pie dinner." - Dej Loaf
I'm up cooking breakfast for everybody. "Here Amari." I say, handing him a bowl of pineapples I cut for him. I watch him walk to the table then climb in the chair. Amari is so tiny for a four year old. I think he's gonna be short.
KeKe walks in the kitchen. "Wassup Mari? Hey momma." he greets us, taking one of Amari's pineapples. "Move bitch." Amari mumbles, snatching his bowl away from KeKe.
KeKe bursts into laughter. "Amari, didn't I tell you don't say that word?Didn't I tell you bitch is a bad word?" I ask, walking over to him. "Mommy. I not say a bad word." he says. "Boy, say it again and see what happens to you." I threaten. He narrows his eyes at KeKe then sighs. "He the most advanced four year old but why don't he ever talk until he in trouble?" KeKe asks me.
I shrug my shoulders. Amari is always so quiet unless he want something or in trouble. I really don't know why. He's different. He crawls around all the time like he doesn't like to walk or something. "He'll come around eventually. He just be chilling. Ain't that right baby?" I ask Amari, tickling his belly. He starts laughing then nods his head yes.
"Wassup with you, baby? How is Khari? I haven't seen your girlfriend in a while." I say. "Momma, that's a whole other story. She cheated on me. I took LaLa to the nail shop. She came walking in with another nigga. He be beating on her cause he slapped her in her face cause he didn't know she had a man. She got mad and tried to snap on me cause I didn't swing on the nigga. But why would I put myself in a position to end up in jail or to get into a fight or shootout with a nigga she cheated on me with?" he asks.
I shake my head. "Leave her alone, baby. Ain't nothing good gone come out of that. Leave that situation alone while you can." I warn him. "I cut her off. I got the locks on the apartment changed cause I refuse to let her live anywhere I pay for and I don't care if I got the apartment for her. It piss me off. What if she brought that nigga in the place I pay for? Heck naw. Then she had the audacity to have something to say when I did what I was doing, knowing she was messing off. I plan on throwing her stuff out the apartment when I make the time for it." he says.
"Hell, you ought to burn that bullshit." I say, making him laugh. "I ain't gone do all that. I'm just gone toss it out and put all that furniture she decorated the apartment with in a storage. What should I do about the car I bought her? Should I let her keep the car?" he asks. "Damn. You really done, KeKe?" I ask. "Yes, ma. I don't stick around. She think I never cared but that ain't true. I just ain't putting up with that, it'll only bring me drama. If I can't trust you, what I need you for?" he asks.
"Well, do what you feel is right." I say. "She can keep the car. She might need it to sleep in or get to her other nigga house. She ain't staying nowhere I pay for." he says. "Y'all should talk, Kentasia." I say. "Talk about what? You know how disgusting it is? Ma, I took the condom off and everything cause I trusted her and thought she was loyal. If I would've known it was a whole other nigga she was having sex with, I never would've even hit." he admits, shaking his head.
"KeKe, you being a hypocrite. I see where you coming from but didn't you recently have sex with other women?" I ask. "No. I cut that out when I told her I was gone try. I was thinking she was loyal so I tried to do the right thing but now you see, being committed don't get you anywhere. Look at you and daddy. You were committed as I don't know what. He was having sex with anything walking. Then what happened? Nothing. It didn't get you nothing but pain. That's exactly why you ain't gone catch me in no kind of relationship." he vents.
"Don't let me and your daddy's crap be your example of what love is supposed to be." I tell him. He shakes his head. "I can't believe she pulled some stuff like that." he says, sighing. The doorbell ringing cuts my sentence off.