"I got this icebox where my heart used to be." - Omarion
I swallow hard, staring at my son as he interacts with the other kids. I decided to stay here at his school and eat lunch with him then check him out to clear my mind. I really wanted that baby but God had other plans. It hurts like hell but everything will be fine.
"Daddy, what's wrong?" Tae asks me, snapping out of my thoughts. "Nothin'. You done eating?" I ask. "Yes. You taking me home?" he asks. "Yeah. Come on, let's go get your stuff out your class. I need to get your work from your teacher, you staying home for a couple of days." I say. All I need is his assignments. I'm smart enough to teach him myself so he won't be missing out. I need my son with me at times like these. He keeps me sane when I feel like losing it.
"Why am I staying home?" he asks, leading me out of the cafeteria. "You don't wanna spend time with me and your momma?" I ask. His eyes light up. "I got a question. Are you and momma ever gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend?" he asks. I chuckle. "Tae, why you always ask me that?" I ask him. "Because all my friends say you and mommy are cute but I always tell them she has a husband. They always fighting, daddy. One time he called mommy a bad word so Majesty threw a chair at him." he says. I shake my head. Jessica ain't even a bad person, she just don't know how to really treat herself. She deserves so much better. She don't even have to be with me but she deserves a nigga who'll treat her better cause Ant treats her like shit. They don't know how to respect each other and I honestly don't think they'll ever learn.
"When you get married or have a serious girlfriend, treat her special. Don't call her bad words and stuff." I say. "Have you ever hit mommy?" he asks. "A long time ago before you were born. It was a big mistake and I won't ever do it again. Never hit a woman, Tae. I will never do that again and I mean that." I say. That's honestly one of the biggest mistakes I ever made back then. I thought she aborted my child and I lost it.
He nods his head. "Daddy, how come you and mommy only have me? I want a sister. I know I have sisters but I want a sister by you and mommy, not mommy and my other daddy." he says. I swallow hard. 'Tae, quit asking so many questions." I say as we walk in his classroom.
His teacher stands then smiles. "Hey, I'm Montana, JeMontae's dad. He won't be at school for a couple of days and I need his assignments for those days." I say. She stares at me for a second, blushing. I raise my eyebrow. "Are you gonna go get his work, Ms...?" I ask. "Adams. Ms. Trinity Adams." she says, extending my hand. I shake it then step back.
I watch as she walks to her desk. She grabs a few sheets of paper then hands them to me. "And the answer to the English study guide can be found on pages one hundred to one twenty in his book." she says. "Thank you." I say, taking Tae's backpack out his hand. I put his book and folders in it then put it on my back so he won't have to carry that thick ass book.
"Nice to meet you. How's mom? I haven't seen Mrs. Mitchell since the parent teacher conferences last month. Where has she been?" Ms. Adams asks. "Not even trying to be rude, but it's really not your business." I answer. I'm not interested. Her job is to teach my child not attempt to flirt with me.
"Ms. Adams, my mommy and daddy like each other. Daddy only likes mommy. Stop licking your lip and stuff at him." he says. "Stay in a child's place. I'm not Ant and you ain't your brothers and sisters. I don't play those games they play, Tae. Watch your mouth or I'll make you watch it." I say. His eyes widen as he nods his head.
"Come on." I demand. He sighs then follows me out the classroom. "That woman is grown. You don't talk to grown people like that." I say. "How come my brothers and sisters can do stuff but you won't let me?" he asks. I love those kids like my own. I always have and I always will but Ant fucked them up. I always tried to show them better but every time me and Jessica would show them the right way, Ant would go against the shit. All of those kids are unstable in some type of way. All of em stay in trouble. Tae on the other hand doesn't. I try my hardest to keep him on the right path which is why Jessica agreed to let him be with me most of the times. Deep down, she knows her nigga is a bad influence and that's real shit.