"I used to wanna be your everything. But now I don't wanna be nothing. Cause you ain't shit. Boy, you ain't shit. And now I need for you to keep your distance." - Sonta
"Darius... can we please talk about this?" Liah asks me as I drive her to her house. "Talk for what, Liah? I expected nothing but honesty from you. You could've told me and I would've respected it. I can't deal with secrets and lies. That's why the fuck I'm single now. I was in a nine year relationship. She was upset about me not wanting to get married yet so she cheated on me and it turned out that the children I had been raising weren't even mine. I was expecting so much more out of you. I'm honestly glad it came out before I deeply got involved with you." I say.
She starts crying in her hands. "Darius, I am so sorry. I really care and I want to grow with you." she says. "Liah... I'm a grown ass man. We ain't in high school no more and we aren't young, dumb ass eighteen year olds making irrational decisions. I don't have time for the bullshit. I want a real woman and you ain't the one for me so I'm going to leave you the fuck alone." I tell her straight up.
"Okay and I understand that. It was just a mistake." she mumbles. "You women love to holler that bullshit. I'm tired of mistakes. I ain't getting hurt by nobody else." I say.
"What can I do to make this right?" she asks. I look over at her as I pull into her driveway. "Darius, what can I do?" she asks louder, looking over at me. "You can gather your things and get the fuck out my car. Lose my number too. That's what the hell you can do." I answer.
She breaks down crying. Her front door opens and her little boy runs out. He looks a little bit like her except he's brown skinned. "You left your kid here alone?" I ask, becoming annoyed with her bullshit. "No. My neighbor's daughter is here with him babysitting." she answers, getting out the car.
"Hey ma." he says, hugging her. He short as hell for a ten year old. He looks at me. "You play 2k?" he asks. I nod my head yes. "Can you come in and play?" he asks me. "Naw, lil man. I gotta go." I answer. He frowns a little. I sigh. "Nevermind." I mumble, getting out of the car. Liah ass is lucky I didn't want to hurt her son's feelings. If it wasn't for him, I would've been left this house.
I follow them inside the house. His babysitter starts staring at me. "What's your name?" she nervously asks. "Darius." I answer. She gasps. "You know Diamond?" she asks. I slowly nod my head yes. "Yeah. Why?" I ask. "Oh, nothing. That's my auntie. Liah, can I stay longer with Zachary?" she asks. "Sure." Liah mumbles. The fuck did I get myself into?
I've been here for about around an hour playing the game with him. Her baby sitter is just sitting on the couch staring at me. I'm uncomfortable as hell. I'm not into little ass teenaged girls and I'm close to telling her ass to find something else to stare at that don't involve no parts of my body.
Somebody starts beating on Liah's front door. "Who the hell is at my house?" Liah mumbles. "Maybe it's Jehova Witnesses again, ma." Zachary says, making me laugh a little. I've never met a Jehova's Witness that bangs on doors at night.
"Well, I'm about to get going. I'll see you later, alright?" I say to her son. "Why?" he asks. "Because I have to go home. I have to work in the morning." I answer. He frowns. "Can you come back tomorrow?" he asks. I bite my lip then look away. "Probably not. I'll see you around though." I answer. He looks down then sighs.
I feel bad and all but I'm not his father and I don't have shit with his mother. I didn't expect him to somewhat get attached to me this fast but I guess that's what happens when a little ass boy is an only child with no father figures and a daddy that's dead.