I'm sick for one and for two this bitch ass app deleted the chapter I had written. Sorry.
"Oh man, gotdamn." - Famous Dex
Me and Jessica just pulled up to Montana's house to get Tae and Lala to take them to school. "You getting the baby?" I ask Jessica. "No. He wanna spend time with her." she answers as I park the truck. I can't help but laugh. "What you laughing for?" she asks. "Cause you and this nigga really be playing house with my lil daughter when you know she not even really his." I answer.
"How you so sure she yours?" she asks. I chuckle. "Don't worry bout it. Just know that I know." I answer, getting out the truck. I have no doubts. Dream is my daughter but I ain't too much tripping. As long as she grows up and knows the truth, it's whatever.
We walk to the door. Darius opens it. "What you doing here?" I ask as he hugs Jessica. "Chilling. Wassup?" he asks, shaking my hand. He lets us in. "Ma, Montana making me wear a dress to school and I look so lame, bruh!" LaLa whines, looking pissed off as he walks in here beside her.
"Why the hell you trying to force my daughter to do any fuckin' thing?" I ask, hugging her. "Cause she a damn girl, nigga. Girls wear dresses." he answers."Nigga, I don't give a fuck what she is. If she don't wanna wear that shit, she don't have to." I say. "Ant, quit. That girl can wear a dress." Jessica says. I smack my lips then shake my head. LaLa so far from girly and it's been like that for the longest. I gave up on trying to change her. She ain't girly and it is what it is.
"Aight. Wassup Tae?" I ask him. He nods his head at me then hands Dream to Jessica. "Hey poo bear." she says, then kisses her cheek. "Hey Jessica." Montana says, grinning. I shake my head. I give up on going back and forth on some childish shit with that nigga. He can flirt with her as much as he want. I don't even give a shit no more. I'm tired of fighting. She having my baby soon anyway. I don't give a fuck what he doing.
"Hey. But come on, y'all. Did they eat?" Jessica asks, handing Dream to him. "Yeah. And before you ask, no Andrea hasn't been over here with the kids here." he says. She pats his head. "Good doggy." she jokingly says, making him laugh. "We gotta go. Say bye to yo pops, Tae." I demand. "Bye, Daddy. Are you getting me and LaLa from school?" Tae asks, hugging him. "Yeah, I got you. Be good." he says.
Tae nods his head then races LaLa out the house."Be careful with my daughter." I say to Montana. He looks at me crazy. "Be careful with my love." he says, smirking as he points at Jessica. Jessica narrows her eyes at us then walks out the house. I shake my head then walk out behind her. I get in the truck then look back at my daughter. "Buckle up." I demand. "Aight, mane, dang." she mumbles.
"Who the fuck you talking to?" I ask. "My bad. I'm just mad. Montana ain't my daddy, bruh. Why I gotta wear what he want?" she goes off. "But you call him daddy though. Shut up, Antayla." Tae snaps. "You shut up, bruh!" she yells back. "Both of y'all shut the hell up." Jessica demands.
"You call him daddy?" I ask LaLa. She shrugs her shoulders. "Yeah when I'm with him but I know he not really my daddy." she answers. I shrug my shoulders. "Aight, La." I say, pulling out the driveway.
"I can't do this." LaLa says, throwing a bow she had in her hair out the window. "You done lost your gotdamn mind." Jessica says. "That bow ugly." she mumbles. "You getting a whoopin'. You ain't got no business throwing shit out the window in the first place and especially not something I spent my damn money on." Jessica goes off.
"I don't want a whooping." she mumbles. "You getting one so don't start that whining and crying." Jessica says. I just pulled up to their school. The teacher that waits for them in the morning is outside with a few other kids. "That's my girlfriend." Tae says, pointing at a little girl wearing neon colors and a crown headband. "Girlfriend? Boy, bye." Jessica says, making me laugh. "Leave my boy alone, son. He say that's his ol' lady so that's what she is. Tell yo momma hop up off you, Tae." I say, laughing.