QUESTION: What's your favorite book in the series & why? Whats your favorite moment in this series & why?
"I like your smile. I don't want to see you cry." - 50 Cent
"You sure about this?" Torren whispers, helping me neatly fold some clothes. "Positive. Let's go to the mall or something." I say, speaking in code. I don't exactly know where Montana's hidden cameras are but I do know they're all over this house. I don't want to get caught. I'm really talking about going to the airport to fly to California. This whole time, I've wanted to sneak and do it but I never had enough nerve. It's not as easy as it sounds, considering the fact Montana has me on lock down. He damn near knows my every move so I know this will be hard to do.
"Girl, what if I die today?" Torren asks. "Ain't nobody gone kill you. You ain't gone die today." I say. He nods his head as he applies lip gloss. I grab my Louis Vuitton purse then stuff my toothbrush, charger, wallet, and some underwear in it. I'll get clothes when I get to California. I can't risk being caught by rolling a suit case out the house. It'll be way too obvious.
Torren follows me downstairs to the kitchen. I open it up to make sure I left enough bottles for Dream in here. I cooked dinner so Tae and Montana won't be hungry when they get home. Montana is lucky I'm not out here starving his ass and sending him to McDonald's to eat a dry double cheeseburger every night. I love him, he just got me fucked up at this point.
"I'm ready. Let's go." I say. He follows me out the front door then waits for me to lock it. "Where you headed?" Montello, Montana's twin brother asks me. "I didn't know you were here." I say. "I just pulled up. I'm waiting on my brother to get back. But where you headed?" he asks. "To the mall. MAC has these new lipsticks Torren and I wanted to go pick up. You want something back? We might stop and eat too." I lie. "Come here right quick." he says, walking to his truck.
Torren's eyes slightly widen as we follow him. "Wassup?" I ask. "You know I know you lying, right?" he asks. "What makes you think I'm lying?" I ask. "I just know you are. If you wanted that lipstick, you would've had it by now. Where you really going?" Montello asks. "It's not your business, honestly." Torren answers him.
Montello glances at him. "Just like it's not your business to suck dick, ride dick, and wear make up. That's a woman's job. Was I talking to you? I don't think I was." Montello calmly says.
"Chill. Just stop it." I demand. "You gone tell me?" he asks. "Hell naw." I answer. "I probably will help you." he says. "I just want to see my kids and I really could care less if you tell your brother. I'm leaving and that's that. He can suck his own dick for all I care." I say, making him laugh. "Listen... I'll get you to the airport with no issues or getting stopped by none of his niggas, aight? The rest is on you. Just leave my name out of it." he says. "You serious?" I ask. "Might as well." he answers, unlocking his door.
Torren and I get in the back. "You trust him?" Torren whispers. "Nobody's stopping me this time, Torren. I'll kill my way out this city if I have to. I'm going to California and that's that." I whisper back, buckling my seat belt.
I ignore my phone as Montana calls me. "Why the hell he calling me like this?" I mumble. I ignore it. I sigh then answer it as he calls again. "What?" I ask. "Where you at? I need you to come up here to Tae school." Montana tells me. "Why? What's wrong with my baby?" I ask, catching Montello's attention. "I don't know. He got into a fight and got jumped or some shit, baby, I don't know. Just come up here." he says. "I'm on my way." I say, then hang up. I will beat the fuck out of somebody's child over my baby. They got me messed up.