Ok, I gave yall my snapchat 4 fun but do not send me no weird ass shit... some of yall got issues lmao.
-"He told you he'd be there for you
and he wasn't. I told you I'd be there for you. And I was." - R. KellyNOBLE
"You jacked the girl's car?" my mom whispers in my ear as we walk out of the courtroom. I slowly nod my head yes. The judge somewhat understood why I did what I did when I jacked the girl's car. The police got to me so quick because her friend was crouched down in the back of the car scared for her life. I didn't notice her because I was focused on my brother. That's how I was caught so quick.
I explained how my brother was dying and it was traffic so I did the first thing that came to mind. Now I have a month of community service when I get back to California and a month of probation. That's fine with me though.
"Wassup son?" Montana asks, nodding his head at me. I nod my head. "Tae... did he make it?" I ask my momma. "Yes. He's at the hospital with KeKe. I had to leave to come here for you. But he has a broken rib for one." my mom says. "Nothing life threatening?" I ask. She stares at me for a second, throwing me off a little. "No." she finally answers.
"I'm finna swing by the hotel and get something, change clothes, then we gone head to the hospital." Montana says. I nod my head. "How my dad doing?" I ask. "He just has a lot of cuts and bruises from the air bag and the glass but he's alive and well." my mom answers. When everything happened, I was worried about my dad cause I love him but at the same time, I was more worried about Tae. Tae is damn near a baby. Saving my nine year old brother was more important.
"Ma, you mad at me?" I ask as she sits in the passenger seat in silence. "What?" she asks. "Are you angry? Did I upset you?" I ask. "No." she answers. My heart starts beating fast. "Momma... promise me you not mad at me cause I feel really bad. I don't ever purposely make you mad. Momma, don't be mad." I beg her. She smiles a little. "Baby, I'm not mad." she says, calming me down.
I smile at her. "I'm hungry. That jail food so nasty. Montana, I got to fightin' in there mane." I say. "Montana stop somewhere and get him something to eat." my mom says, handing me a bag of chips out her purse. "Aight. But what you fight for?" he asks, making a turn.
"This dude told me I was cute and that I looked like a teddy bear. Nigga told me he wanna cuddle with me. We was in the shower but I wasn't washin' a gotdamn thing in front of that nigga except my armpits. He kept on saying gay ass shit so I popped him in his jaw. I ain't fruity, my name ain't Reign." I say, earning a angry look from my momma.
"Why you say you ain't yo sister?" Montana asks. "He was just talking shit, Montana. He was saying he don't like boys like his lil sister do." my mom lies. I start laughing a little. She knew exactly what my ass meant. "Yeah, okay." he says, peeping the lie but ignoring it.
I sigh as he pull into Wendy's parking lot. "Ma... I got a question. Why daddy didn't come to court for me today?" I ask as Montana walks in the restaurant, leaving us in the car. "He stayed at the hospital with Tae." she answers. "I know but mane, ma... what you bring Montana for? I love him and all tho but I wanna know. Tae ain't my daddy son, he yours and Montana's. So why couldn't Montana stay in the hospital with Tae instead of my dad being here for me?" I ask.
She puts her face in her hands, taking deep breaths. "I didn't think it would matter, Noble. I'm sorry." she says. "It's straight. Momma, I gotta say somethin'. When Reign ticked you off, I heard my dad didn't do nothin' but try to break yall up but you dogged him too and left." I say. "I didn't snap on him for that. I snapped on him for everything he ever did to me. I was fed up, Noble. And people who haven't been in my position will never know what that feels like. I was pushed to a point of no return, Noble. I just snapped on him." she says. "Ma, I get what you saying. You were tired of feeling unappreciated and even though he didn't do anything at the moment, he did stuff in the past so you went off." I say. She nods her head.