"We all have our nights, though, don't be so ashamed I've had mine, you've had yours, we both know." - Drake
I'm leaned back on the couch watching everything unfold. "What you looking at me like that for?" Ant asks Jessica as she rocks Amari to sleep in her arms. "I'm just trying to figure out where the ice cream is or was that a lie?" she asks. He chuckles. "I'm getting accused?" he asks. "You fucked her." she says. "You know what... kids, excuse my language, but Jessica, I was in the bathroom goin' hard as a mothafucka. I was jacking off thinking of you. There it go." he says.
I look down at my shoes, shaking my head. I ain't perfect neither but gotdamn, this a pathetic ass nigga. I would like to be with Jessica, but at the same time, I want better for her. If she go and find a good nigga, I'll be happy for her. All I know is she can do better than this.
"Daddy, you disgusting." Jessie mumbles, snickering. "Shit, I'm being honest. You stay thinking I'm cheating when I'm being loyal as fuck. Then when I was cheating on yo ass, everything was all good and you thought I was the most faithful nigga in the world. Gotdamn, you backwards as fuck, Jessica." he says.
"Chill out." Noble says. Jessica doesn't say anything as she holds Amari, staring down at his face as he sleeps. "If we didn't have all these kids together, I would've killed yo punk ass by now." she lowly growls. "Like I be killin' yo pussy when we have make up sex? Girl, shut up. Ya ass ain't going nowhere." he says, cockily smirking at her.
I stand up. "Ay, chill out. You not about to talk to her like that in front of me." I say. "What you gone do? Let me guess, you gone talk shit, pull a gun on me, fill her head up with how you can treat her better and how she deserve better, then run up on me trying to throw hands but only to get yo ass knocked the fuck down cause I'm with the shits, then fuck her and have her head gassed up and telling me how less of a man I am than you. Shit is old and plaid out, mothafucka. So you might as well sit yo raggedy, rough lookin' ass down." Ant says.
I chuckle a little. "You know what, she yo wife. If she wanna take the shit, she can. But believe me, I ain't going nowhere. Imma be right here showing her how a woman supposed to be treated by a man." I say. He starts laughing. "Montana, you starting to bore the fuck outta me with these lame ass come backs of yours. Quit trying to be side nigga of the century and all that. You been right here being a dumb ass, rebound ass nigga to her since you met her. I mean, damn. You a smart ass nigga so how come you ain't figured it out yet? She not leaving me, ever." he says. I grin a little. "Like I told her when she married you, if we meant to be together, it would be then or ten years from then. Time's ticking lil nigga, we nine and a half years in. Don't forget that shit. I meant what I said." I say, thinking back on the day I said it to her.
He laughs. "After all this shit, you really think she leaving me? If I told Jessica to flat iron the hairs on my balls she would do it. Fuck off, Montana. I own her." he says.
I shake my head. "See, there's the problem. You treat her like property. You treat her like she don't matter and like she can easily be replaced instead of like your wife. You don't treat her like your equal, then you act like a lil ass bitch when she treats you the same way. I see straight through you, Ant. You feel threatened by me and as hard as you try to fight it and deny it, you can't. You a scared ass nigga, Ant. Got too much pride to admit it, but you scared she'll leave you for me which is why you walk around like a tough ass nigga, putting on a front like you don't give a damn when in reality, me taking her from you and ways to prevent it is all your ass think about." I say, laughing to myself. He clenches his jaw then nods his head.
"Montana, she gone always be mine til the day we shrivel up and die. Know that." he says. I chuckle. "I'm sure she will be." I say, smiling wide.
"Can both of yall quit... at least in front of my kids." Jessica says, barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for disrespecting you, Jessica." I apologize. "You so full of shit. You act like ya ass a saint or a perfect nigga. Bitch, you a serial killer. You a psychotic ass, crazy ass nigga who thrives on taking lives. You probably get hard when you think of death. So, stop acting like you better than me. You just as bad as I am, you just cover the shit well. You destroyed on the fuckin' inside, my nigga." he says. "Whoa, so is this Iylana? You finna fix my life, nigga?" I sarcastically ask him.