"War ready. You got shooters, I got shooters." - Rick Ross
I lean back in the chair in my home office as one of my niggas slides me a manilla folder while I smoke a blunt. I grab it then open it up, revealing some pictures of a dark skinned nigga which is Jessica's therapist kissing on her while she stood stiff looking uncomfortable at the mall.
"Saw that. Had to show you, og. So wassup? You need us to get rid of this nigga for fuckin' with your woman or what? What's the move, boss?" he asks me. I mean every single word when I say I got eyes on Jessica, her kids, and our son all the times. Especially her with these punk ass niggas coming at her. I do not like what I see.
I stare at it for a second then pull my phone out. I call Jessica. "Hello?" she whispers. "Why you whispering? What's wrong with you?" I ask. "Nothing is wrong with me. I'm just in the bathroom whispering cause I don't feel like arguing with Ant if he assumes shit. He made plans or something. Wassup?" she asks. "You good?" I ask. I can hear in her voice that something really ain't right with her. I always could tell just by how slow she'll talk or how it'll sound forced.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Montana." she answers. Something in my gut is telling me she is not fine right now. "I have a question. You got a new friend?" I ask. "No. Why?" she asks. "Your therapist... wassup with that, Jess?" I ask. "Nothing is up. He's just my therapist. I might get a new one but still." she answers.
"Does he make you feel uncomfortable?" I ask. "Shit." I hear her mumble. "Jessica, stop playing with me, what the hell is wrong with you?" I ask, standing up. I can tell something going wrong. "Nothing, I'm serious. But no he doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. I'll call you later." she says, then hangs up.
I shake my head. I know I should let her be grown and handle herself but I swear on my child my gut feeling ain't a good one.
"Call up the guys, Casey." I say. I just feel in my soul something ain't right so we pulling up. Fuck the "I'm fine" bullshit.
"No matter what happens, stay down here and stay quiet. Do not come out for no reason. Even if something happens to me and your daddy, stay right here. If you need to, shoot, but if not, stay quiet. We love yall, alright?" I ask the kids. A long time ago we got stairs built underneath our house leading to an area with a bullet proof family van and weapons incase something happened. To get through it, we go through a hidden door in the floor of Ant's man cave which is why he did not let outside people in it.
I watch as Amari falls asleep in Jessie's arms. I gave him children's cold medicine to put him asleep because he's a baby and doesn't know what's going on and I didn't need him making noise cause they'll end up found.
I honestly don't even know what happened. I just know everything went from Ant kissing between my legs to loud noises outside. I don't even know who's out to get us but we're ready.
"I love yall." I say again. "Love you too." they say. "Noble, you in charge, okay? Come here right quick." I say. He walks over to me. I pull him in my arms. "God forbid but if something happens which we both know is a possibility, I don't need you losing yourself. I wouldn't want that for you. Be strong for everybody else, okay? I love you." I say, watching him try to fight back tears. "Love you too." he says.
I take a deep breath then leave out. Damn, I should've told Montana there's people in our house who broke in. I storm back up the stairs, shooting some nigga in his neck, immediately taking his life.
"Tell the bitch to drop the gun or your head getting blown off." somebody says as two niggas rush to me with guns to my head. Ant is tied up to a chair with a guy with a gun at his head. "Fuck you. Kill me, hoe." I say, spitting in his face. The reality is these niggas ain't playing. I can already tell Ant and I have met our match and that now is the time we'll meet our demise. It's sad but true so I don't want to go out like a punk ass woman. I want to go out fighting.