Ghost readers, comment lol.
"She's cuttin' the corners of her eyes Every time she see your face. Now your trust is out the door. She don't want you no more." - R. Kelly
"You really hit Majesty teacher? I was being nosey. You bullshitting." my pops Nathan says, sitting down at my kitchen table. KeKe went and picked him up for me after Jessica left earlier. I missed the old man and I want him to live with me again to be honest. He way older now so I want to kick it with him more.
"I didn't even want to. She got a big black mole on her chin. Pops, you know how I feel about them nasty ass moles." I say, feeling disgusted as I think about her. "Awww shut the hell up. I ain't no love guru but if Jessica would've went and fucked Majesty male teacher or some shit, would you accept it just cause the boy was failing?" he asks.
"See that's different, old man. Women ain't supposed to just be letting random niggas in they pussy. If I fuck a hoe who don't matter, Imma just clean my dick off and forget it even happened. It ain't the same with a woman. If she fucked one of his teachers, she wouldn't ever forget it and I'd be in jail for bombing that nigga house or some shit." I answer. "Why you so damn dumb?" he bluntly asks me.
"I didn't lie." I say. "You lucky I ain't Jessica. I would've killed yo dumb ass by now. You better hope you ain't one of them folks who living with aids and don't know it yet. You ain't gone quit running through these women until a doctor sit your ass down and tell you that you got AIDS. What the fuck is it gone take for you to wrap your mind around the fact that AIDS is real? I'm disappointed in you and I'm scared for you. It's so many nasty diseases going around and you don't seem to give a fuck. You'd rather go stick yo dick in these thick hoes just cause they fine instead of keeping it at home with the woman who love you. I don't think you realize how much shit you get into cause you love to think with your dick. Think with your brain, son, quit thinking with your dick all the time." he fusses.
I sigh. I know I have no diseases. I regularly get checked up. "I'm finna go see why she ain't down here ready to go." I say. "Big damn dummy." he says as I walk towards the spiral staircase.
I jog up the stairs then walk in the guest bedroom she most likely is in. "What the fuck you not ready for? I said be ready at seven. It's almost eight and you sitting up in the bed with a scarf on your head with face scrub on your face and eating ice cream. Are you serious?" I ask her. "I ain't going no fucking where. Get from infront of the TV, Jody about to put that daddy dick on Yvette and you know that's my favorite part." she says, watching Baby Boy.
I turn the TV off. "Bitch, move!" she snaps. My eyes widen in shock. "I know you didn't just call me no bitch." I say. "Yes I did because you take the bitch route all the gotdamn time." she says. "Okay and you take the slut, dirty hoe route every time we get into it Mrs. Suck And Fuck Montana Because I'm Mad At Ant." I say.
She starts laughing. "You have no room to call nobody a dirty hoe. You're a nasty dick having ass dog and you gone catch some shit that make that dirty ass dick sizzle and when you do, imma kick back and laugh at your dusty balls having ass." she says. I start laughing. I don't know why but that shit was funny to me.
"Okay, I see how it is." I say. "Okay good for you. How dare you tell me you had sex with another woman then ask me on a date? I don't give a shit if you got reservations on the moon. I ain't going nowhere with your trifling, lying, nasty ass." she says.
"You always being childish and doing too much. You so annoying."I say. "Be annoyed then, nigga. All you irritating ass people who act like yall shit don't stink can kiss my ass. I ain't perfect and I don't pretend to be. Y'all kill me with that always talking shit about my every move. Folks can kiss my entire ass." she says. "Who the fuck is y'all?" I ask. "You and everybody who be on your side when I act an ass the times you deserve it. You and all these irritating bitches you cool with that keep my name in they mouth." she answers.