"If only, I give you one last chance. With the devil, you can no longer dance. You've got to be faithful so we could be fruitful." - Claudette Ortiz
We've been at the hospital for almost five hours since they started Cameron's surgery. I ain't even trippin' right now, I know my lil nigga a soldier.
I stand up as Jessica, my kids, and Montana walk into the waiting room holding flowers, cards, toys, and bears for Cameron. Jessica has a bag from Popeyes in her hand.
She walks over to Diamond and pulls her in a hug as she lightly cries. She hugs Darius. "I brought yall something to eat, I know yall are hungry." she says, pulling paper plates out of the Popeyes bag.
She starts fixing plates and handing them around. "Jessica, you ghetto as a bitch." Vonte says, chuckling as he takes his plate of chicken out her hand. "Vonte, shut the fuck up! You crack jokes at the wrong time! Damnit, shut up!" Darius snaps on him. "Who the blue, green, yellow, orange, somewhere over the rainbow hell do you think you talking to?" Vonte calmly asks, laughing. He high as fuck right now. He went to his car and smoked like six minutes ago.
"Darius, shut up, okay? It's not his fault, don't take it out on him. It won't change anything." Diamond says. "You know what, fuck you, Diamond. I don't wanna hear it. If you weren't such a terrible, irresponsible mother, my son wouldn't be fighting for his life right now!" Darius goes off on her.
I look down at my shoes. I don't wanna get in that argument. I got my own woman problems right now to be trying to help him with his. "You know what, fuck you too, Darius. I bet it had something to do with some shit you did. Besides, all I do is have your babies, suck your dıck, and pretend like I'm happy with your ass. I don't fucking care no more, it's over." Diamond says.
"Fine. It's done. You the one who can't move on. I can move on, Diamond. Believe me. I can get somebody who's way better and less annoying." Darius says. "Shut the fuck up, both of yall. Nobody's here to listen to yall talk shit to each other, we're here for Cameron. Instead of going at each other and saying shit that yall don't even mean cause yall mad, yall asses need to be somewhere on your knees praying to God. Cut it out!" Jessica snaps on both of them, wiping her eyes. "And you need to be somewhere sucking Ant dıck. Maybe, he won't cheat on you if you do your fucking job." Darius says.
I stand up. "Mothafucka, watch yo damn mouth when you talk to my wife!" I snap at him, pushing my sons back because they instantly stood up ready to knock his ass out. "Nigga, you don't even know how to talk to your own fucking wife! That's why she fucking my brother now! Don't be a hypocrite!" he snaps back.
Before I can say anything, Noble punches him in his jaw. Jessica and Montana jump up, trying to break them up. Jessica starts choking Darius. "Keep your hands off my son! Nigga, you lucky I can't fight your ass like I want to!" she screams, trying to pry his hands off Noble's wrist. I wonder why she said she can't fight him.
I shake my head, then pick my wife up. I walk all the way to the elevator then ride down. "Let me go! I don't give a damn if Noble hit him first, I'll kill his ass over my son! Let me the fuck go!" she screams, trying to make me put her down. I ignore her and continue to walk to my Mercedes G wagon. I unlock it then lay her on the back seat.
"Move!" she screams, kicking me. I pin her hands above her head then kiss her. "Calm down. I know you and Noble stick together, Jessica, but he growing up. He closer to being a man than he is to being a boy. Let him grow up. You ain't gone always be able to be there for him. He swung first. Let him fight his own battles. Realistically, Darius ain't yo lil twelve year old brother no more. He twenty eight with a family now. That nigga a grown ass man, if he really wanted to, he could've knocked you and Noble lil asses out. Both of yall need to learn how to fight battles the right way and you need to learn some self control." I say.