EIGHTEEN- Breaking Point

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Hell naw, Jessica could wipe her ass and I swear hella people would be like "Omg, she so stupid" "That bitch annoying." Lmfao gotdamn, she can do no right, huh?

"Every woman has a breaking point ya’ll." - Keri Hilson


"Please, fold this red paper in half." the counselor  says. Here I am in husband counseling along with ten other men going through the same shit I'm going through. I've been coming here for almost a month trying to learn how to be a better husband and this shit is really working. Jessica and Torren have been traveling the world, going anywhere they wanna go so she can clear her head.

I fold my red piece of paper in half. "Now, copy my drawing." she says. I do as told, drawing. "Cut the shape." she instructs. I do what she said. "Pick the shape up and open it. You will see it's  a heart." she says. I open it. "Write your wife's name in the center of it with your markers, please." she instructs. I get a marker out the bucket along with the other men, then write Jessica's name in cursive in the center of the heart. "Now I want you to rip it as much as you can." she says. All of us start ripping the hearts into pieces. "Why did we just do that?" a white man asks her. "Every time you disrespect your wives, every time you don't motivate her, every time you all say hurtful things, every time you abuse her, that's what it feels like. Each and every time you cheat, you're hurting her. You're breaking your wives hearts and it's time to put a stop to it." she says. I swallow hard, thinking about every thing I've done wrong as I stare at the bits and pieces of paper.

I sigh. "This session is over. I will see you all tomorrow evening." she says. I stand up then check my phone. "Shit." I mumble, then walk out. I almost forgot about LaLa's gymnastics class she has this evening. I honestly don't know how Jessica managed all these kids and didn't lose it. It's harder than I thought. Now I really see why she was too tired and I was honestly being selfish. I never would've imagined being a full time parent like she is would be this tough.

I walk out the building then over to my car. I call Noble. "Wassup?" he asks. "Get your sister ready and get Amari ready. She gotta go to gymnastics and I gotta take him with me. And do me a favor. Take that chicken out for me, imma fry it when I get back home from her class." I say. He starts snickering. "What's funny?" I ask. "Nothing... you never were this involved. I'm used to it being momma. But I kinda like it. It's weird cause I ain't used to you doing the whole parenting thing." he says. I sigh. "I'm tryin' Noble. For real. I know I said I was trying hella times but I'm serious this time. This whole month I been puttin' in work." I say. He chuckles. "I see, dad. For real. Whether she take you back or not, I'll give you yo credit. You really are cooler than I thought now that you actually be there." he says, putting a smile on my face. It meant a lot coming from Noble's mean ass.

"Preciate it." I say, trying not to let my actual excitement show. That just made me so happy and it really gave me more motivation to keep doing the right thing. He starts laughing. "I'm finna go get her leotard out the dryer. I'll talk to you when you get here." he says. "Aight." I say, then hang up.

I'm sitting at a red light. I spot a woman with a big ass walking. I swallow hard then look away. I learned how to fight temptation. I'm not all the way right but I'm getting there one step at a time. That bitch is fine but she ain't even worth messing up what I'm trying to fix.


"Damn, bitch, that shit hurt!" Torren goes off on the Jamaican woman as she braids his hair. I laugh at him, watching as she braids it. We're in Montego Bay, Jamaica. We came out here to shop but the lady really wanted to braid his hair. "How much is it?" I ask as she does a second braid. "Ten dollars a braid." she answers. Torren stands up. "Hell fucking no. Girl, come on. These some scheming ass Jamaicans." he says, pulling me away by my arm.

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