"Am I queen of fools? Wrapped up in lies and foolish jewels. What do I see in you? Maybe I'm addicted to all the things you do." - Nicki Minaj
"I'm bored." I say, tapping Majesty's shoulder as he drives. We've been on the road forever and we have way more to go. It's dark outside and I'm the only one woke back here.
"Bruh, stop fucking touching me and shit, I'm trying to focus on the fucking highway and you fucking with me. Damn, stop." he goes off, squinting his eyes. "Instead of going off on me, you need to put your fucking glasses on cause you know you a blind bat." I say, making him laugh a little.
"Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate. In a minute, imma say fuck this shit. Well, I'm finna drive to the hotel. I'm tired now." he says, glancing at the nearest exit sign. I nod my head. "I got a question... why you so mean to momma? What she do to you? Be real with me." Majesty says, turning the turn signal on. "I don't try to, I really don't. I don't know what it is. One minute I'm happy with her, the next I hate her." I answer. "You bipolar like daddy, mane." he says. "No I'm not. Daddy has a schizoaffective disorder and some more scary shit. I'm nothing like that." I say. "You have anger problems and your feelings change so fast. Bi polar." he says. "Whatever." I say.
"Where are we anyways? Are we at the halfway point yet?" I ask him as the sun rises a little bit. "Yeah, we in some part of Texas. Momma said her and Montana not too far right now, they coming." he says. I roll my eyes. "Did she really hop back on his dick again? Gotdamnit, she so indecisive. Every time her and daddy fight, she back on Montana's dick. I love Montana but still... that annoys me. Plus, the day everything happened, daddy didn't even do nothing to momma. He just tried to defend me cause she was trying to kill me. He didn't disrespect her at all, she just went the fuck off on him and me." I vent as Majesty parks the van.
"Hell naw momma not back with Montana. I talk to her every day. This the first time he saw her since she left cause he picked her up from the airport. It ain't like she all up on the nigga and he not all on her. I know he love her and all but he respect her too much to try to make her feel obligated to fuck with him like that. Yo problem is you trying to find a flaw in Montana every chance you get. You know damn well the nigga would never take her down that road again when that's the main thing she trying to get help with." Majesty says. "Young nigga preach." Jessie sleepily says, waking up.
I start laughing. "Whatever. Am I crazy for having hope for momma and daddy to this day?" I ask. "Hell yeah, you crazy as fuck. I think it's over." Noble answers, shaking LaLa. I sigh, then shake Tae. "Get up yall. We in Texas, we halfway, momma booked our room, and she on her way." Majesty says, taking Amari out his car seat. "I gotta potty." Amari says. I open my arms for him then pick him up. "Yall, get the bags. I'll run him in there and take him to the restroom. Wait on me in the lobby, yall, don't go to the suite without me." I say. "Hurry the fuck up." Noble says, letting LaLa get on his back so she can stay asleep. "K." I mumble, then close my door.
I got to the hotel about an hour ago. I just left out my kids' suite. They're all asleep. Montana's sleeping on the couch in there to make sure they're safe. We decided to not stay in the same room because I ain't trying to fall for temptation and he don't wanna tempt me. I'm doing a little better, I can somewhat control my hormones around him now.
I just got back to my room. I put the card in then open the door. "Wassup, baby?" Ant asks, sitting in the middle of my bed with his duffel bag next to him.
"What the fuck? How the hell did you find me and why are you in my room? Hell naw." I say. I'm about to go to the front desk and act a fool. They had no business letting his ass know where my room is or giving him the key. I'm sure he paid them but that's unacceptable as fuck. What if he was out to kill me or something? They gone hear my mouth about this.