"I'm just tryna tryna tryna, turn up." - Lil Durk
I'm so damn pissed. I was so ready to go to work on Jessica but she just had to invite Darius over here. Right now I'm annoyed as hell watching him and Jessica play Connect Four in the middle of the living room floor. Both of them have on pajamas with the feet like some toddlers, bags of chips around them, juice, and they sitting on a pallet they made out of blankets. He even got his old teddy bear he had when me and Jessica met him when he was eight.
"Bitch ass." I say. "Is there a problem, Ant?" he asks. I shake my head. I still can't believe him and Montana are really my first cousins. I still don't plan on speaking on it though. "Yeah, it's a damn problem. The problem is you." I say, then throw a juice box at him.
"Quit throwing stuff at me. If you get something on Mr. Gingers I swear to god..." he says, wiping his bear off. I get up then football kick that shit out his arms. "Nigga, fuck you and Mr. Gingers." I yell at him.
"You know what, I'm about to go back to my house. I'm not welcome here, obviously." Darius says, standing. "You right, nigga. Who the hell told you busting in on married people about to have sex is acceptable? You over stayed yo welcome the minute you got here." I say. "Ant, can I talk to you in private?" Jessica asks. "Look, if you not trying to bend over and let me get mine, we not finna talk about shit." I say.
"Wow." Darius says. "Darius, wait right here. Ant, we need to talk, now." she demands, walking out of here. I follow her into the kitchen. She immediately slaps me in my face. "What made you think talking to me like I'm some hoe you just met was okay? You lost your mind." she says. "Aight. I was wrong for that one, I'll admit it. Damn, Jessica. I'm frustrated. You know how hard it is for me to stay faithful when you not even trying to have sex with me?" I ask. "So that's it? That's all you want from me? Sex." she says. "No, that's all your baby daddy want from you. I want you... and lots of sex." I admit.
She shakes her head. "How did I end up here?" she mumbles to herself. I grab her hand. "Listen, I love you but if you won't do it, I can name a few hoes who will and that's a fact, aight? Think about it." I say.
She stares at me in disbelief. I laugh a little. "I'm just playing, baby, ain't nobody finna mess off on you. But seriously, why you playing? Daddy love you and he love his lil best friend too." I say, pointing between her legs.
"You were not kidding. You were dead serious, man, quit playing. Get out my face." she says, trying to push me away. "Jessica, I was joking." I say, holding her against the counter so she can't move. "Get away from me, Ant." she calmly says. "No. I love you." I say. "No. Since sex is all you want and since so many other hoes will do what I won't, go let them. Go right ahead cause I know you weren't joking. But fine, knock yourself out, Ant. I hope your ass catch some shit that make that boring ass dick of yours burn and swell up. Fuck out my face." she says, then pushes me.
I watch as she walks out the kitchen. I follow her out. "Come here." I say. "Go ahead, Ant. I am not about to turn my back on my lil brother when he needs me most. You are so damn selfish. Only person you care about is yourself. How would you feel if I up and left you after everything and just told you none of the kids you raised are yours, then cut you off completely? You would want somebody here for you. He isn't crying but he's hurting bad as hell and you constantly getting on his case about being here right now when he needs somebody is foul and selfish. Take your ass on." she goes off.
"Well, technically I know how he feels. You tried to leave me for Montana plenty of times, you got pregnant by him on me, and then it was a big ass question on if me or him was Reign's father. You up and leave and don't fuck with me for months and everything else. Don't act like I don't have an idea of how he feeling." I say.