@boss_cheroke 1. You ain't no damn boss so kill that shit off your lame ass username. 2. You illiterate bum bitch, the word is CHEROKEE not cheroke. 3. Nobody asked for you to comment some shit I really didn't give a fuck about. 4. If I say fuck off, that shit mean fuck off as in take your irrelevant ass on cause the shit you saying ain't worth nothing to me and you can kiss my brown skinned ass cheeks. BOTH OF THEM. 5. You hollering bout fuck me and my books buuuuuuut I can guarantee you're reading this right now getting pissed cause you were checking for an update and didn't expect to get went off on. Don't talk reckless about the shit knowing you'll still read it even after this. It's nothing more to say but gone head take this L & learn how to spell while you at it bitch. :) ♡
"I'll put a hole in a nigga, I ain't mothafuckin playin'." - 50 Cent
"Nice doing business with you, bruh." I say to Nolan, finishing the rest of my Hennessy. I'm horny as hell so he need to leave so I can see if Jessica wants to engage in some friendly, separated married people sex cause I want it bad.
"Always. Your lady mad at you, bruh." he says, chuckling. Jessica got Keyshia Cole's song Trust and Believe playing loud as fuck on repeat as if she got something she trying to tell me. "She'll be aight." I say. He chuckles. "Aight." I say, walking him to the door. I watch as he gets in his car. I just put a hit on Montana's head. Nolan don't look like it which throws niggas off, but he is a trained killer. The nigga heartless and could give a fuck. Montana ain't fucking with him like he might think. I'm sick of another nigga thinking he God and thinking he can just put his tongue between my wife's legs every chance he gets just to piss me off. I'm tired of him causing problems for me. I'm tired of being nice about it. I know something ain't right and that shit might get ugly soon anyway. But little do he know, it's a whole two million dollars on his head right now and I want his head brought back to me. He met his match today and his name is Nolan. I tried not to let it get this far but it's on now.
I get up then walk up the stairs to my bedroom. "Turn this shit down. The kids sleep." I say, turning the speaker off. She rolls her eyes at me. "Why was he here?" she asks. "None of your business." I answer. "Tell me, now. Ant, what does he do for you?" she asks. "Why you questioning me about another man's business?" I ask. She gets on her knees then wraps her arms around my neck. "Tell me." she mumbles, kissing all over my neck. "Please." she says, licking her lips while she pulls my gym shorts down.
I look down at her. "Quit teasing." I say while she kisses all around my dick. "Tell me." she says, then licks the head. My eyes widen. "Jessica... please don't keep on teasing me. Please." I beg as my eyes roll back. She sucking and licking then stopping. "What does he do for you?" she asks. "I don't know. Come on, put it in your mouth." I say, trying to put it in her mouth my damn self. "Not until you tell me, daddy." she says, then kisses it. "He a high ranked hit man, aight? Go down." I say.
She stands up then fixes her clothes. "What the fuck? Where you going? Ain't you gone suck me off?" I ask. "Hell naw. I did that already when I was begging you to come back but you humiliated the shit out of me and treated me like one of these bitches out here, not like somebody you love. You should've been thinking with your head not your dick by the way." she says, putting her shoes on.
I shake my head then pick her up, slamming her on the bed. "Chill, what the hell you doing?" she asks trying to get from under me. "We separated. Nigga, move." she says, pushing me off the bed. I stand up. "What happened to your lil funky ass business trip?" she asks. "It sound like somebody don't want me to leave." I say. "I'm asking cause I do want you gone." she says. I blankly stare at her. "Fine. I don't want you to leave but whatever, you free to do what you want." she says. "Imma stay." I say. Me going away is clearly just gone cause problems and hurt her feelings so imma just stay.