"Everybody looking for me. I’m tryna find my way back. I feel like I’m going crazy. So maybe you should stay back. Out of my mind.
I must be out of my mind, yeah." - DreezyJESSICA
"Tae." I mumble, holding my son like he's a baby as he struggles to breathe in his sleep. I'm lying in his hospital bed with him. He's been in the hospital for a week. He's okay right now but sometimes he can't breathe. His lung was slightly injured by the bullet but it wasn't as bad as we thought
Over the past week, he's been in the ICU. They finally moved him to a regular room which is a good thing. He also has a broken rib.He opens his eyes. "Mommy. I want daddy." he whines, staring at my face. "Me too." I mumble, trying not to cry. Montana is still in jail and so is Noble. Both of them have a court date tomorrow. I don't even know how that happened. Montana's is in the morning and Noble's is during the evening. I don't even know what my son did. They won't tell me shit and they won't allow him to call. All I know is something shady is going on and I can't put my finger on it.
"Is he coming back?" Tae asks. "Yeah." I say, then kiss his forehead. The nurse walks in. "Somebody's up." she exclaims, giving Tae a goofy grin. He starts laughing then moaning in pain. "Tae, stop moving. Try not to laugh because it'll only make your ribs hurt worse, baby." I say as he lightly cries. "I'm strong, mommy." he says.
KeKe and his girl flew to Texas for Tae and Ant when they found out. They just walked in here. "Why is he crying?" KeKe asks, hugging me. "He started laughing and it hurts his ribs." I answer. "It's okay, Tae bae. Don't cry." I say, then kiss his cheek.
He quickly sucks it up then looks at Khari. "She not pretty no more." he mumbles. I stare at Khari, embarrassed. "He's been on different pain medications. I'm sorry, he's been saying weird things lately but can't help it." I apologize. "It's okay." she says, awkwardly smiling. "I know what I said. She not pretty. She gorgeous." he says, laughing a little as Darius and Diamond walk in here.
"What the devil here for momma?" Majesty asks, pushing past Diamond. He hands me my bottle of orange juice. "What are you talkin' bout?" Darius asks. "Noble seen her ass with Quan, ma. Ignore my cussing." Majesty answers. Darius stares at Diamond in disbelief. "I knew you was fucking off. It's true?" he asks. "Why can't I do me when you don't even want me?" she asks. He shoves her into the wall then slaps her in her face. "You damn right I don't want you!" he snaps.
"Uncle Darius, quit." Jessie groans as he sleepily sits up. "You always wake up when something happen." Majesty says. "Did you just hit me?" Diamond chokes out. "What you think?" Darius sarcastically asks. "You know what, Quan is my man because you are a little boy. And you have no kids, all three of them are Quan's. I'm tired of lying to you and shit and I do have the test results if you think I'm lying." Diamond says.
"Bitch, you so lucky my baby is in my arms hurting right now. Real damn lucky." I say as Darius and everybody else stare at her in shock. "Bitch, shut up. Jessica, you get on my nerves. All you do is be a hoe and try to kill yourself. Just stop." Diamond yells, then throws her son's teething ring at me.
"Hell no." I say, moving Tae over. I get out the bed. "Naw, momma, she not worth it. Karma got her, trust me." Jessie says, holding me back. "Get out my son's room." I demand, pulling my gun out my purse. "Darius, yo shit will be packed when you get back. My kids need their real daddy and I'm done with you." Diamond says. He starts snickering. "Let me get this straight. You gonna tell me the kids I've fathered are another man's, leave me for him, and try to kick me out my own house? I'll be damned. You forgetting who put you on, Diamond? You forgetting who put a roof over your head and food in your mouth? It was me. I'm not even about to beat the shit outta you like I want to. Imma let karma deal with you. You are now considered an opposition and all opps must die. Is he really to die for?" Darius asks, giving her a weird look. I can tell it scared her.