"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"Get the fuck out my way, damnit!" I snap at Montana, walking out the room. "Shut yo bitch ass up. How much you wanna bet it's me? Jessica ain't the only one you love who gone be calling me daddy." he says, smirking.
I draw back then punch him in his jaw, making his body rock back. "Fuck you just say to me, nigga?" I snap, punching. He starts swinging back. "I'm sick of yo bitch ass acting like you can't be touched! Wassup, nigga?" I yell, pulling my gun on him. I'm so close to just pulling the trigger right now. This nigga gets under my skin.
He smirks. "Do it." he says. I narrow my eyes at him. "I swear if I wasn't in this hospital." I say, shaking my head. He chuckles. "Quit playin' with guns. They toys for real men, not lil ass, wanna be tough boys." he says, then continues to walk.
I start hysterically laughing. This nigga real deal think I'm the same lil nigga I used to be. "Underestimating yo opponent is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make. Remember that." I say, then continue to walk so I can find Reign and Jessica.
I spot them standing next to the women's bathroom not saying a word to each other. I walk over there. "Start talking." I demand. Reign looks down. "I'm not yours or Montana's." she mumbles, wiping her eyes.
I step back, staring at both of them. Montana raises his eyebrow. "Excuse me? Who the fuck was you fucking around on me with other than this pussy nigga right here?" he asks, pointing at me.
I ignore him, staring at Jessica in disbelief. "She's really your little sister, Ant. She's your dad's." Jessica mumbles.
I shake my head then walk away to keep from crying and murdering her. "Daddy, come back." Reign says, chasing after me. I snatch away from her. "Girl, I ain't yo gotdamn daddy, I'm your brother, Reign. Fuck, gotdamnit." I snap, then throw up all over the floor. This shit really made me sick to my stomach. My wife fucked my dad and got pregnant. Ain't this some shit.
I walk back over to Jessica. "You know what, it's fine. Imma sign the papers. See, if she was Montana's, I could probably deal with this but this shit is sick, insane, and way too far and I can't fuck with you no more." I say, then walk away.
"Ant." she says, chasing after me. "Move, Jessica. I'll have the signed divorce papers ready after I go merk my dad." I say. "No, Ant, stop it." she says, trying to hug me around my waist.
"Naw, move!" I snap in her face. "Nigga, calm the fuck down." Montana says, getting in my face. I push him out my way then walk to the elevator. This got me all types of fucked up.
I've been at my house sobbing like a lil ass bitch but I can't help it. I didn't even have the energy to deal with my dad so I came straight here. I just signed the divorce papers but part of me wanna just flush them bitches down the toilet. I don't know why I'm still somewhat willing to fight for my marriage after that shit.
My bedroom door opens as I smoke while crying. Jessica and Reign walk in. "Montana gave us and Amari a ride home." Jessica says. I lean back on the bed, smoking out a bong. I blow smoke out then look at her. "You think I care about who gave you a ride?" I slowly ask, feeling myself become higher than I was before.
Reign plops down on my leg. "Daddy." she says, pulling on my ears while kissing on my face like she did when she was a lil girl. "Get the hell up off me." I demand.
Jessica hands me the papers. I read it. "Antasia Mitchell is not excluded as the biological father of Reign Isabella Mitchell. 99.99%." I read aloud. My eyes widen.
"It was a joke. Montana was kind of in on it too, Ant. I didn't think you'd react that way but she's yours." Jessica says, smiling. I stand up then pull my daughter in the biggest hug ever. She starts laughing. "Daddy, you squeezing me." she says. I kiss her forehead. "Damn, I love you, Reign." I say. "I love you too, daddy." she says, then hugs me around my neck.
I pull away from her then glance at Jessica. I get up then pull her in a hug. "Don't ever fuck with my emotions like that again, Jessica, shit." I say, crying and laughing at the same time. She smiles, crying with me. "I'm sorry." she says. "So, you didn't fuck my dad?" I ask. "Hell naw." she answers. "Why the hell does she resemble Montana so much?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders. "I honest to God don't know, Ant. She's yours." she answers.
I sigh. I'm thinking of the worst. My momma has a sister I never met cause I hate my momma. It will be real fucked up if I'm linked to that nigga in some type of way. Imma hit my dad up tomorrow and talk to him cause this strong resemblance between them is hella weird and I want an explanation.