Naysa in the media.
Everybody snapchat @ Eriee_Renee Let's be live together yall lmao
"I don't lie, no I don't pretend. And your guard up, that's defense. Let it down, girl I swear I won't let you down." - Bryson Tiller
I got some good rest last night. The beach house is always relaxing to me. I'm thinking about moving out of our mansion. It's way too many painful memories in that house and I want a fresh start.
I walk into the kitchen then smile at our family portrait. I'm so at peace right now. Plus, the sounds of the waves outside are so calming.
My phone starts ringing. It's my therapist, Johnathan. I haven't talked to him since the death of his wild twin brother Jason who was using him as an alibi.
I answer it then put my phone on speaker. "Hey." I say. "Good morning. I was just calling to tell you I'm back in my office. I apologize. I was mourning the loss of my brother but I'm back and ready to continue this journey with you." he says. "Sorry for your loss." I say. "It's okay. I'm making it. So, let's set up your next appointment." he says. "Is today okay?" I ask. "My schedule is clear right now, actually." he says. "Okay. I'll be there in an hour." I tell him. "Okay. See you then, bye." he says. I hang up my phone.
I walk to the back of the house then open up the closet. I grab Ant's Miami Heat tee shirt he left here then put it on. I'm not really trying to dress up at all. I have a few things to do today. First, I'm going to my session, picking Amari, LaLa, and Tae up, then I'm going house hunting.
I'm wrapping my session up now. "So, I recommend couple's therapy if you really want to fix it. But if that relationship is that toxic to the point you're going crazy as you told me, maybe you should leave it alone. It will not be easy but you have to put yourself first and make yourself happy." Johnathan says.
"Do you think our problems come from me always looking for the bad?" I ask. "Not exactly. It comes from a lack of trust and communication. A lack of honesty as well. I strongly suggest couple's therapy. And I suggest you two sit down as soon as possible to be honest about things." he says.
I nod my head then stand. "Well, thanks. I have to go get my babies now." I say. He stands then hugs me. "See you later." he says. I smile then walk to the door. "Can I see you later?" he asks.
I turn around then look at him. "What do you mean? Of course you'll see me later, you're my therapist." I say. "No. Can I see you later as in tonight? Jessica, if I'm out of line, I apologize. But I wanted to ask if you would like to spend your evening with me." he says.
I stare at him for a second. "Well... I'm spending time with my kids." I answer. I'm really watching movies with the younger ones. He looks down in embarrassment, I guess. "But I'm free right now. For about an hour." I say. He smiles.
"Let's go eat. I'll follow you to wherever you'd like to go." he says. "That's fine." I say. {I already know yall finna bash tf out of her lol}
We went to a Mexican resturant, talked, and ate the whole time. I actually enjoyed myself. Now we're at the mall walking, talking, and shopping.
"Does this look right for a three year old boy or is it feminine?" I ask, holding up a purple and yellow LSU tank top in Amari's size. "It looks feminine as shit." he answers, making me laugh then put it back.
"Whatever. What's something you always wanted to do?" I ask, grabbing a pair of gray Nike shorts with the black swish for Tae. "I don't know. Jump out of a plane. You?" he asks. "I always wanted to go on a safari in Jamaica." I answer. "Well, you and your children should make that memory some day." he says.