"That bitch ain't yo bitch, dawg." - Yo Gotti
"Well isn't this ironic?" Jessica mumbles as we walk to Jah's hospital room. "What?" I ask her. "Montana's room is next door." she says, pointing at a door. I shrug my shoulders. "Damn. Ain't it ironic though? I put both of these disrespectful ass niggas in the hospital right next to each other on top of that." I point out. She shakes her head. "You think we over exaggerated?" she asks. "Aw hell naw. Don't start feeling sorry for Jah pussy ass. Whether they had sex or not, a nigga ain't finna look me in my eyes and tell me my daughter pussy good and tell me she know how to ride dick and shit. That's a whole damn violation and he lucky I left my gun in the house cause I would've just shot the bitch dead." I tell her in all honesty.
I know my daughter gone start having sex one day but the look on that nigga face and his whole demeanor showed he was trying to disrespect me when he said it so I had to let it be known, I ain't with that shit. You gone respect me, especially if you even think for a second you gone be kicking it with my daughter.
"Well, we need to sit and talk to Reign later. We need to talk to Jessie and the twins too. And do you think it's time to give LaLa and Tae the birds and the bees talk?" Jessica asks me. I raise my eyebrow. "Yeah, we do need to talk to Reign but a nigga honestly ain't ready. She grew up so fast, mane. It seem like she was just my lil babygirl I used to sing to all the time, now I'm worried about her having sex. And what the hell we need to talk to Jessie and the twins for? Them niggas been getting pussy." I say, laughing.
She chuckles. "One of them might still be a virgin. Who knows?" she asks. "Quit trying to convince yourself the boys ain't grown up. Jessie eighteen and the twins seventeen. Face it. One of them already had a girl get an abortion, remember?" I ask. She shakes her head.
"Well then." she says. "I ain't having that talk with LaLa yet. And whether you decide to have the talk with Tae ain't on me. That's not my place cause he Montana son and I ain't getting in yall business.You know that nigga parenting skills ain't the same as mine." I point out. She nods her head.
I open the door to Jah's hospital room then allow Jessica to walk in ahead of me. I follow her in then close the door. Jah glances over at us. He got a concussion, one of his eyes swollen shut, he got plenty of stitches, and he just look fucked up overall.
"Fuck yall here for?" he asks. "So you can see who you shouldn't ever fuck with again." I answer. "Anybody ever tell you that you sound like a female when you get on some tough shit?" he asks, chuckling. My eyes trail to the bandage covering where Reign stabbed him. "I'll admit, you got heart." I admit. "Yo point is? I don't give no fuck about none of this shit. Imma still fuck with Reign cause I fuck with her tough and ion give a fuck who don't like it to keep it all the way one hundred with you. I'm almost nineteen and yeah, she just turned sixteen. Yeah, I got a baby. Okay? We established that a long time ago. What's yo point? Our age difference little as hell. She mature and we just be coolin' it." he says.
I fold my arms across my chest then look at Jessica. She standing here smiling a little. "What the hell you smiling about?" I ask. "Who he remind you of right now?" she asks. I shake my head at her. "Are you serious?" I ask. She looks down, laughing. Now that Jah just said all that, I already know Jessica about to start liking him, start allowing him around my babygirl, and she gone swear up and down he remind her of me. I can feel that bullshit coming and I mean it when I say I ain't going for it.
"Nigga, I don't give a fuck what was established a long time ago. You ain't allowed around my daughter, period. You got a damn baby. I know what young niggas with babies be about and my daughter ain't bout that life so naw, nigga." I say. "Let's do some math in this bitch real quick. If KeKe yo oldest son and he like twenty five and you only thirty eight or almost thirty eight if I'm correct. So if you thirty eight and KeKe twenty five, that mean you knocked Mrs. Mitchell up at thirteen." Jah says. "First of all, smart fucker, Jessica ain't even KeKe real momma so I didn't knock her up at no damn thirteen. You already fucking up. If KeKe was Jessica son it wouldn't be considered knocking her up. My pregnancies with her are planned." I correct him. "Nigga, what? Sir, what the hell you talkin bout mane? I ain't asked you none of that. I don't care about whether yall shit was planned or unplanned parenthood. Yo, what the fuck?" he says, looking at me crazy. "You got the attention span of a damn piglet." he adds.