I swear some of yall will blame Jessica for honey mustard being yellow lmao every damn thing ain't her fault.
"I'm tired of being a nice guy." - Tupac Shakur
I'm literally shaking right now as the doctor shows me to the hospital room. Ant decided to come with me but he's sitting here chuckling with a stupid ass look on his face. The doctor opens his door then lets us in. Darius and Montello are already here. "Hey, sis." Darius says, hugging me. "Hey." I mumble, then hug Montello.
I glance over at Montana as he blankly stares at Ant and I. "Damn, nigga, I really thought you was getting buried this time. You got nine lives, don't it? When the fuck you gone die? What kinda blood you got in yo body? Yo ass just won't die." Ant says to him, dying laughing.
Montana starts chuckling a little. "My life got saved. You do the math." Montana calmly says, grinning at Ant as Ant's smile slowly fades away. "Okay, what the hell is going on? Montana, where are my kids?" I ask.
"They with my homie." he dryly answers. "Your homie? What homie? You don't just drop my kids off to somebody I don't know, are you stupid?" I ask. "Chill out. He just got shot and he recovering and you in here trying to go off on him." Montello says. "I don't give a fuck if he just got his dick chopped off or his eye poked out with a stick, none of that shit matters to me when it comes to my kids." I go off on him. "She right. I don't have my phone so imma have to give you the address to his house." he says, closing his eyes.
Ant starts laughing. "What's so funny, Ant?" Darius asks, folding his arms across his chest with his eyebrow raised as he looks at Ant with a blank expression on his face. "This. Why can't you just die already? What's so special about your weird ass that's keeping you alive?" Ant asks.
I draw back then smack Ant in his face. "Cut it out! I'm so tired of all this fucking ridiculous drama! That shit ends right here, right now! Okay, I admit, I made some extremely poor choices in my past and hopped between the both of yall so nobody need to bring that shit up if I just admitted that myself! I'm sorry for that! This crap is beyond out of hand and I can't take it no more. Innocent blood is being shed over this dumb ass beef over me and I'm sorry for pushing yall to that point! I just want it to stop! Can yall please put this shit behind yall, please?" I beg the both of them.
Ant and Montana ignore me as they glare at each other. "I agree with Jessica. She fucked up with that hoe shit but at least she woman enough to admit it so nobody in here right now need to bring that up to her. She admitted her wrong and her part in this so that's that. Yall niggas beefing, trying to kill each other so stupid. Montreal died behind this shit, Montana and we did some fucked up retaliation shit, I'll admit that. But we can squash it now. Don't nobody gotta be friends but I agree with Jessica... yall constantly shooting at each other gotta stop." Montello says, wrapping his arms around my shoulder. "Get your arm up off my wife!" Ant snaps. "Ex wife, nigga, she damn near a Montgomery now." Montana says as he laughs to himself.
"Damn near a Montgomery? You damn near maggot food. Next time, I promise on my sister you won't live and I mean that shit." Ant lowly growls at Montana, extremely pissed off. "Won't be a next time. Trust me." Montana says. "So, Ant, you're the one who shot him?" I ask him straight up. "Fuck imma lie for? Yeah, I did it and if I wasn't in a hospital full of cameras and security, I'd shoot his face off right now, to be honest." Ant answers.
I shake my head. "I can't keep doing this shit. All of this fighting and shooting ain't worth it. I'm not worth neither one of yall lives and if I gotta quit fucking with both of yall to make yall keep that hot shit calm then so be it." I say in all seriousness. I mean that. Before I watch one of them kill the other, I'll woman up and make myself move on to somebody else.