Please be mentally prepared for this rollercoaster ride :)
"More than my nigga, you know you my heart and we never gon' stop." - Tink
Ant randomly decided to take me on a date so that's where we're headed now. It's nine and the moon looks so beautiful out here. The night is so peaceful. "Where we going?" I ask him as he drives. He grabs my hand with his right hand. "Just relax. You'll see." he answers. I smile at him then look down at our intertwined fingers.
"Ant." I mumble. His phone starts ringing, cutting me clean the fuck off and messing up the moment. He answers it. "Wassup?" he asks. "Jessie, if she turning red and grunting and shit with her eyes closed, she taking a good shit. Ain't nothing wrong with her." he adds, laughing. I watch as he says a couple of more things. He hangs up the phone. "Jessie called scared cause Jelena basically taking a shit and he didn't know babies be grunting and shit when they doing it hard." he tells me, laughing.
I nod my head. "What you was saying though?" he asks. "It's nothing." I answer. "Yes it is if you brought it up. What's on your mind?" he asks. "I don't really know what happened but you've changed." I admit. He really has. I wouldn't say it's weird but I'm not used to him being like this. He's so sweet and he's always worrying about me and making sure I'm okay and the kids too. I finally feel like I'm not in this shit alone. I wish he could've been like this when I fully put my trust in him.
"Yeah, I have." he says. "Finally being the man I should've been a long ass time ago." he adds. I nod my head. "Ant, I found somebody else." I mumble. He isn't saying anything. He's just driving and staring straight ahead like he didn't even hear me. "You heard me?" I ask. "Yeah. I don't care about whoever you found because we all know me and you will never really end." he says. "So, you saying I'm wasting my time with that other dude?" I ask. "Hell yeah. Ion believe yo playful ass no way. Nobody want yo pregnant ass." he jokes, making 7me laugh. "I'm just playing, ugly. And who wouldn't want me because I'm pregnant? I met Montana when I was pregnant with Noble and Majesty and you were being a dick." I tell him, reminiscing on how I dropped my vitamins and he gave them back and my life was changed from there with him.
"So, you finally telling me how you and that nigga met." he says, laughing. I've never told him now that I think about it. "Yeah and he took me out to dinner where you and Vonte were being some sluts with those two women and I threw that man's drink in your face." I say, laughing. "I remember that. That nigga looked at you like you lost yo mind. Mane, I'm so sorry for all I ever did to you. I'm really sorry, baby." he says. "It's okay. If you pull some more shit, just know you'll be in a morgue." I warn him. He smirks at me. "You sure do threaten me a whole lot for you to be a single woman that only want me for dick." I point out. I smirk at him then look straight ahead.
We just got to an orange beach house. This whole area is beautiful. He opens my door for me then grabs my hand to help me out. He leans in then kisses me on my lips. "You like this?" he asks. "Its beautiful." I answer as we walk in the sand. It's lit all up and shit. He unlocks the door then steps aside so I can walk in first. This place is beautiful. He wraps his arms around my waist, leading me through the gorgeously decorated house.
He walks to the patio then opens the door. I walk out ahead of him then watch as he closes and locks the door. He helps me down some stairs leading to sand and the ocean. I'm smiling so wide. It's a table nicely decordated with food on it and a chef standing there smiling. It's rose pedals and lit candles around the table. "Look at you being romantic." I say. He smiles at me as we walk to the table.
He pulls my chair out for me. I smile at him then sit. He says something to the chef then watches him walk off. "It ain't much because it's a lil last minute but I just wanted to take you out and just vibe with you." He says, sounding nervous. "Why are you nervous? Ant, I love it. It's more thoughtful than buying me stuff or taking me to a restaurant so I'm happy." I admit, grabbing his hand across the table. He lifts my hand up then kisses it.