Ant's new gf Tanya in the media.
Lol & to clear something ppl always ask about up, Jessica is not broke. She a millionaire in her own right from stocks, ok? She don't just depend on Ant, he depends on her in a lot of ways. Without her cover up he'd be locked up. Some of yall need to pay attention.
"Go 'head leave, see if I chase you, shit." - 50 Cent
"Why you looking at me like that?" I ask this girl named Miracle. I'm over her house laying in her bed. She just a girl I chill with and stuff. I don't trust a soul so I don't vent to her about shit but I just lay here when I'm stressing which is all the time.
"Why you got an attitude? You mean as hell. Has anybody ever told you that? You just sit around with your mouth poked out all the time. Why you never smiling?" she asks. "Cause I don't have shit to smile about." I answer, looking at a picture of my momma in my phone.
"What? You stay in a mansion, every time you come over you get dropped off in a different foreign car by an actual driver, you always wear expensive clothes I could never afford, and you always have money. I stay in the hood with a momma who struggle with the bills. You got a lot to smile about." She says. "I'd do anything to switch places with you. More money brings more problems. You might not have as much money as me but you still happy. I got everything but happiness so this money don't mean shit." I say.
"You got your momma... you don't have the drama... yo life is amazing." I add, shaking my head. I ain't trying to get in my feelings. Feelings don't do shit but hurt me in the end. "Your mom is dead, isn't she?" she asks. I roll over on my side then look at her. "What make you think my momma dead?" I ask. "You never mention your parents. You never really even talk about your family. You just be saying how you gotta do this and that, shit a parent would do or somethin'. I don't know." she says. "I never really told nobody about it but naw, my momma ain't dead and my daddy ain't neither. I don't trust you so I ain't telling you shit about it, no offense." I tell her straight up.
"I told you so much shit cause I trust you. You know something my own momma don't know. I told you about my uncle raping me multiple times. So why can't you be real with me?" she asks, looking like I hurt her feelings. "The last female I trusted fucked me over and cheated on my ass a year ago." I say. "You like my best friend or my diary, I look at you like a brother. I ain't gone fuck you over." she says. "Long story short, my momma disappeared with another nigga and my lil brother, had another baby, and forgot about me and the rest of my siblings. My dad shut down, he hardly talk, he just sit in his room all day. My granddad Nathan got shot a year ago and he ain't been the same since. He can hardly walk without falling now so he depressed about it. He hardly lived and shit. It's just a lot I can't talk about." I vent.
"I don't know what to say cause I don't know how that feels but I will say I hope it gets better." she says. "That shit ain't ever getting better. I can't believe my own momma would do this shit to me. She left us. She didn't say bye or nothing. She could've at least called me but she didn't. A year went by and the first time I heard from my mom was this morning and it's sad cause I didn't even have shit to say. I was too hurt to talk to her." I add, unlocking my phone. "Are you crying?" I awkwardly ask Miracle. "I didn't try to but that's sad. You so strong so when I see you hurt and stuff it gets to me." she admits.
I don't say anything as I scroll through my pictures. "This the last day I saw my momma." I say, showing her the picture I made her take. She was on my back laughing at something dumb I said. My momma was my best friend. I told her any and everything, good or bad. No matter how mad or hurt the shit I said and did made her, she refused to judge me. She was riding with me to the end so when she didn't fuck with me, it cut me deep. "Every time I think about my momma, I feel nothing but rage. It's like an anger I can't even describe that I feel inside. I wanna kill, Miracle. I don't want to be the only one with this feeling and I'm not going to. That's how that shit go. Retaliation is a must." I tell her.