You Just Never Understood

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The words he spoke hurt. It felt like a knife was being cut through your heart, all of the names he called you, all of the things he told you to do. Bitch. Whore. Slut. Go die in a hole. No one likes you. You're a nobody. You're nothing.

Tears fell from your eyes and you wiped them away with the heel of your hand. Leo Valdez was a living nightmare to you. He gave you absolute hell, and you weren't even sure why. You at one time were the best of friends, you told each other everything and spent so many hours together. Then one day it changed. You gave Leo a smile and walked over to greet him and he just gave you the most hate filled glare and called you a bitch.

Since that day he was an absolute bastard. No matter how hard you tried to find out what you did wrong he just screamed at you to never look at him then call you a very hurtful name. It was all so confusing. Had you done something wrong? There was no way to know because Leo wouldn't talk to you.

You walked to the dining pavilion with your hands in your (f/c) jacket pockets, head down and hood up. Just as you were about to walk in someone bumped your shoulder hard and whispered as they passed "Slut."

Knowing that voice anywhere you whipped around yanking your hood off and glared at the scowling Latino. "Okay Leo what is your problem?"

He just stared at you with absolute hate. "I don't have a problem."

"Obviously you do. What did I ever do?" You pleaded wanting desperately to know the answer. Leo marched forward and poked your chest.

"You did something to me I can never forgive you for. Now leave me alone you self centered little bitch who can't stop herself from getting into other peoples business. I never want to see you again."

The tears fell. One by one down your cheeks and you shoved his hand away running and disappearing into the woods. Leo stood there for a second, glaring then his features softened. What had he just done? He had pushed you away all because. . . Gods he was an idiot. Leo groaned in frustration mentally scolding himself then ran after you.

You tumbled into the forest pushing back low hanging branches, the brier bushes scraped your exposed legs but you didn't care. The pain in your heart overpowered the cuts tenfold. Collapsing under a tree, dry sobs escaped your lips as Leo's words hit you like a slap to the face over and over again.

'Self centered little bitch. . .I never want to see you again.'

Pulling your knees up to your chest you cried. Heart braking sobs filled the quiet forest air, nymphs and dryads emerged from their sacred homes and came to comfort you, telling you how beautiful and smart and funny you were. You were grateful, but that still didn't stop the pain. As a dryad named Willow braided flowers into your hair someone stood in front of you, shifting their weight and staring at the ground in shame.


You looked up as did the girls around you, they all glared at the boy then disappeared leaving you both alone.

"What do you want Leo?" Your voice cracked at his name and you swallowed hard. He stared at you, tears in his brown eyes then dropped down to his knees begging for forgiveness. Your mouth opened in shock as he cried and shook apologizing repeatedly, saying what a selfish jerk he had been and would rather die than hurt you.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)," Leo said again. "I didn't mean to hurt you so much. Seeing you crying was like a knife being stabbed slowly into my heart. The only reason I was such a dick is because. . .I'm in love with you. I just couldn't face the truth so I took this route of pushing you away and trying to detach myself as much as possible. I beg for your forgiveness." His brown eyes were wide, glassy with tears and you stared at him, expression blank and eyes cold.

"No. I can't forgive you for what you did Leo." You stated and he nodded slowly staring at the forest floor.

"I understand. I'm sorry for what I did, I won't bother you again." Leo got up, brushed off his pants, looked at you one last time then turned to walk away.

As he took a step forward the dryad Willow pushed you up and a water nymph shoved Leo back towards you. He was turned and you fell into his warm chest, his arms wrapping around your waist protectively, just like he used to do when you had nightmares and he would sneak into your cabin to comfort you. Leo looked down at you, his warm brown eyes full of love and sorrow and unspoken apologies.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you go again." And he kissed you. Passionately. Hungrily. So full of love that you were absolutely breathless when it was over. You stared up at Leo as he avoided your gaze, scared of what you would say next.

"I forgive you,"

Leo's eyes widened, "You do?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him fully on the lips, taking your time to show him how much love you felt for him. It was a foreign feeling, loving someone, but at the same time felt so natural.

Pulling away you bit your lip and played with the collar of Leo's shirt. "Yes, I forgive you. I love you Leo Valdez, I can't deny that."

He pulled you close, burying his face in your soft (h/c) hair, tears of joy spilling down his cheeks. Leo held you with tenderness, but also like you could slip from his fingers at any moment. He couldn't let you go, not now, not ever again. And he wouldn't.

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