First Steps (Pt. 7 of Positive)

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Esperanza toppled to the floor again, her eyes closing and a cry escaping her lips. You picked her up as she wailed and tried to shush her as Leo sighed and shut off the video camera standing.

"She was so close too," Leo said and you nodded rubbing Esperanza's back as she sniffled holding onto your shirt for dear life.

"Yeah, oh well. We can try again later."

You and Leo had been trying to teach Esperanza to walk for the past few weeks but unfortunately gravity was against your daughter. She would either trip or just plain couldn't get her balance. Esperanza got very frustrated too, she had Leo's temper and would say random syllables angrily since she still wasn't saying full sentences.

"Dada dada dada!" Esperanza whined making grabby hands at him and Leo smiled taking her from you setting her on his hip. You smiled and rubbed your daughters cheeks.

"You are such a daddy's girl," you laughed and Leo grinned.

"Course she is, isn't that right mi princesa?"

"Wight!" She said and you chuckled kissing her soft curls which were pulled back into a braid. Leo then set her down on the floor so she could play with her toys and followed you into the kitchen so you could start on lunch.

"Is it bad that she's not walking?" Leo asked as you got out some peanut butter and bread for sandwiches.

"No, why do you ask?"

"It's just I'm worried, what if she won't be able to walk?"

You chuckled and spread the peanut butter on a slice of bread. "She's going to learn how to walk I promise you, she's smart and she's got your determination to prove everyone and even herself wrong. Esperanza can do this."

Leo smiled reassured and kissed you. "You're right, after all, she is our daughter."

You laughed and pushed his curls from his eyes. "Got that right."

"Stus!" Esperanza suddenly said from the living room. You and Leo turned to see her on her feet trying desperately to reach the red dragon that Uncle Nico had gotten her for her first birthday. Leo's eyes widened as she walked forward a few inches making grabby hands at the stuffed animal.

"Stus!" She whined again and you and Leo scrambled over. Leo grabbed the dragon tossing it to you and Esperanza turned to follow it as he turned on the video camera.

"Come on Esperanza! Come to Stus!" You encouraged waving the stuffed toy and she laughed walking forward quickly to get her dragon.

"Stus Stus Stus!" Esperanza fell into your arms hugging the dragon as you and Leo had the biggest smiles on your faces.

"I got the whole thing!" He said proudly holding up the camera and you smiled picking up Esperanza who was holding Stus the dragon.

"I'm so proud of you!" You rubbed your nose against Esperanza's and she giggled rubbing back.

"Not as proud as daddy is!" Leo ran over squeezing you two in a tight hug. You and the little girl laughed hugging back, completely enveloped in love.

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