Long distance(Ricky Horror)

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I roll over in bed when I hear my phone ringing. It's Ricky.

"Hello?" I mumble as I try to wake up.

"Hey sweetie. I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No,no. I'm alright." I rub my eyes a little and turn on the light. "How's the tour going?"

"Not too bad. I miss you though." Ricky says, it's hard to hear him with all the background noise around him.

Ricky and I met while I was on a trip in the US. We were friends for awhile but decided to just go for it and date. With me being in England and him going all over the world, it has not been easy. Most of our relationship is late night phone calls and Skype calls.

"I miss you too." Every time we talk I have to hold back the tears.

"When are you going to visit me?" He asks.

"I always visit you! You need to visit me!"

"It's not easy for me to go to England babe. It's easy for you to come to me."

This always pisses me off but I usually don't say anything because we have such little time to talk.

"Ricky, you've never been to England. Every time we see each other is because I travel hours to see you. It'd just be nice for it to go the other way for once."

"Babe i spend my whole life travelling. I just want you to come to me and we can relax together." I can tell he's getting annoyed but I'm way passed that point.

"This relationship will never work if we don't compromise Ricky. And by compromise I mean, you need to get your ass to England in the next few months." Tears are falling from my face but I'm trying to sound like I'm not crying.

"I'll do my best Y/N." His voice is sincere and it makes me smile a little.

"You promise?"

"I pinky swear. But I have to go sweetie. I'll call you later. I love you."

"I love you too."

I go back to sleep for a few hours and then get up to get ready for work. I own a cute little cafe not too far from where I live.

The day goes by slowly. There isn't a lot of traffic on a week day so I spend most of the day doing paperwork and other little jobs that need doing. I'm just sat at one of the tables when I hear the bell on the door ring. I jump up and rush to greet them.

"Hi welcome...Ricky?" I stop in my tracks and my jaw drops.

He walks up to me and places his hands on my hips.

"You surprised?" He asks whilst laughing at my reaction, I'm doing my best not to cry.

"What are you doing here?" I place one of my hands on his cheek and just look at him.

"You said yourself it's not fair I haven't been here." Ricky kisses my cheek and hugs me tightly. "so are you going to take me on a tour or am I going to have to do that myself?"

"Okay,okay." I smile. I lock up the cafe and take Ricky around my favourite places.

For once in out relationship I feel like one of those cute couples that actually live their lives together. Ricky's arm is around my waist the while time and is a trooper as I drag him around town.

"How long are you going to be here?" I ask on our way back to my flat.

"I have to leave tomorrow."

That's what I expected but it broke my heart nonetheless.

Ricky goes straight to my room and lays down.

"This is nicer than I expected it to be." He says, laying face up waiting for me to join him.

"Well thanks dear." I smile.

I climb into bed next to him and snuggle closely to him.

"I'm really glad you're here." I whisper, holding him tighter.

"Ne too." He whispers back, playing with my hair. "The trip wasn't that bad."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I guess I should make it more often."

"Really?" I jump up with a huge smile.

"Yes really." He laughs. "I miss you too much not to visit."

I kiss him multiple times and lean back on his chest. Even though I have to say goodbye to him tomorrow, I am so grateful to have him now.

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