Tony Perry imagine

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Trigger warning- Abusive relationship

Y/B/N-Your boyfriend's name

"YOU'LL STAY IN THIS FUCKING HOUSE WHILE I'M GONE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND Y/N?" Y/B/N shouts at you, right in your face. You can feel your whole body shake at each of his words. It's like he keeps your prisoner here. You look down at your feet, you can't bear to stare at his strawberry face. It was boiled with rage. You feel a massive connection on your face which leaves you on the floor.

"YOU DIDN'T FUCKING ANSWER ME BITCH!" He spits down at you. Your face was burning like hell. You can feel the tears gathering up.

"I..I won't l..leave the" You choke out. His foot rises up and kicks you in the ribs, hard.

"Stop fucking crying. I'll be back at 2." He slams the door on his way out. You let out a sigh of relief and you can feel a bruise starting to form on your ribs but you just try to ignore it.

When you finally manage to get yourself onto the sofa, you feel your pocket vibrate. Your heart jumps with fear. You slowly reach for your phone and slid it out of your pocket, trembling. A smile takes over your face as you see Turtle light up the screen. You dry your eyes quickly and test you voice before answering.

"hey Y/N!" The smooth voice says into your ear.

"Turtle!" You reply, smiling more than ever.

"Me and the boys are going out to the club, wanna come with?"

"Oh...Tony...I can't." Your smile fades as you remember Y/B/N's face.

"Why?What's wrong?" He says, sounding worried.

"Nothing!Nothing, I just...I feel a bit on the rough side."

"Oh okay, mind if I come around then?"...fuck

"Yeah...Sure...but you'll have to make it quick. Y/B/N doesn't like visitors." You say with fear taking over your body, once again.

"Okay, see you later then." He hesitates before hanging up. You immediately rush upstairs to put on make-up to cover the red mark on your cheek. Afterwards, you put on a jumper and some sweatpants. You hear two knocks at the door and rush back down the stairs. You put on a fake smile before answering the door.


You laugh to yourself and Tony looks at you concerned.

"Tony..You left your Star Wars DVD again." You laughed at him. He smiled.

"At least he'll remember me." Tony smiled.

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