Oli Skyes imagine

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You woke up around 10:30, and Oli wasn't in bed next to you. He said that he didn't have to go anywhere, so you were a bit confused as to where he was.

after getting out of bed and throwing on a sweatshirt, you went downstairs to see if Oli was down there. When you couldn't find him there either, you started to worry. Why would he leave without telling you where he was going?

Right as you were about to call Oli to see where he was, he came through the door with a bag in his hand.

"Where was you?" You demanded. "I was so worried!"

"At the doctor's." Oli answered roughly, slamming the bag on the counter and walking upstairs.

You frowned at your boyfriend's attitude, walking over to the bag to see what was inside. There was medicine and a note saying to take it twice a day until it was gone.

"Oli, are you sick?" You yelled up the stairs.

"Definitely not." He replied, but his voice said otherwise. It was rough and deeper than usual, and you could hear how congested he was through his voice.

Deciding not to reply, you went to the kitchen to make him some soup. Throughout the entire time you were making it, he didn't come downstairs to disturb you. 'Good' you thought. 'He needs to stay in bed.'

After the soup was made, you put it in a bowl, got some of the medicine prescribed to Oli, and got a glass of water so that he could take his medicine.

"Hey, I fixed some soup for you." You told Oli as you walked into your shared bedroom.

"Go away." He muttered, turning on his side and burying deeper into the bed.

"Eating this will make you feel better." You assured him, setting the bowl of soup down on the dresser next to the bed.

"I don't want your help." He told you, raising his voice a little. That just made him cough loudly, conforming how sick he was.

"Fine." You rolled your eyes, leaving the medicine and water next to his soup. "I'll be downstairs if you change your mind."

Before you could reach the door, Oli said, "Wait, I'm sorry. I just don't feel great and I don't want you to see me like this."

"I just want to help you get better." You told him softly. "I don't care that you're sick."

"I appreciate that." Oli sighed. "Thanks."

"Of course." You smiled softly, sitting by him on the bed, glad that he was starting to accept your help.

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