Vinny Mauro Imagine

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You toss your purse on the kitchen counter. You look through the cabinets and find nothing appetizing so you throw some ramen in the microwave and jump on the couch.

You're halfway through an episode of Parks and Rec when you realise how sad you look.

Everyday you come home from work, microwave something, and put Netflix on. You've finished three shows in the last two months. You don't even want to know how many hours that equals.

You need a hobby...or friends. OR your boyfriend to hurry up and finish his tour.

Vinny has been gone for four months and it's been absolutely horrible. He's missed your birthday, Halloween and your two year anniversary.

You know it's the job, and you're happy for him, but this fucking sucks.

You finish the episode where Tom tries out his new drink 'Snake Juice' and everyone gets hammered and decide to move upstairs.

You're reorganising your closet when you hear a noise downstairs. You don't pay much attention to it until you hear it again. You grab the closest thing to you, which happens to be a tennis racket, and head towards the door. You quietly open the door and creep down the hallway.

Right as you're about to turn to the stairs, a familiar voice says. "What are you doing?"

You jump and scream a little from the sudden noise and then realise it's Vinny.

"What the fuck, Vinny? You scared the shit out of me!" First you're pissed, but then you fully process that it's Vinny.

"What are you doing here?" You smile as you jump into his arms.

"I wanted to surprise you." He laughs, holding you tight. "Seriously, were you going to defend yourself with a tennis racket?"

"Well I would have my boyfriend protect me but he's too busy being a rockstar." You say quickly, kissing his cheek.

You go to your room and while you try to fix the mess you made in the closet, Vinny talks about the tour.

"You wouldn't believe the size of some of the crowds we had! It was insane!" He said with the biggest smile on his face. "Our fans are the most dedicated. It's truly amazing."

"I'm happy you're living your dream." You smile as you finally finish organising your shoes.

"I'll be right back." Vinny says and quickly leaves the room. You sit on the bed and wait for Vinny to come back. 

"I saw this and it made me think of you." He smiles, handing you a box.

You smile like an idiot as you carefully untie the bow and wrapping paper. Under the wrapping paper is a red velvet box about the size of your hand.

You open the box to see a beautiful necklace laying inside. It had your birthstone and around the birthstone are little diamonds. It sparkles every way you move it and it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

"Oh my god, Vinny!"

He grabs the necklace and tells you to turn. You hold your hair up as he puts the necklace on for you. You walk to the mirror and can't help but smile. This necklace somehow makes you look prettier.

"This is stunning Vinny! Thank you so much!" You press your lips against his and he pulls you by the hips so there's nothing between us.

"A beautiful necklace for my beautiful lady." He whispers.

You nuzzle your nose against his and wrap your arms around his neck.

"I'm so happy you're home." You whisper, taking in every moment.

"Words can't begin to describe how much I missed you, Y/N." He whispers back.

You lay down and put a movie on. You rest your head on his chest and he wraps his arms around you.

"I love you." Vinny whispers, kissing your forehead.

"I love you too." You smile, hugging him closer.

You have never felt the happiness Vinny makes you feel. It's moments like this that make all this touring BS worth it.

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