Dating Christian Coma would include:

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*Conversations in high-pitched voices

*Pulling pranks on each other when you're bored

*Him trying to cook for you but nearly burning the house down in the process

*Sometimes spending a whole day in bed, doing nothing

*Getting dressed up for Halloween

*Snowball fights

*Him making you wear his sweaters

*You chasing him around the house whenever he pisses you off(even though he didn't mean it)

*Him offering to paint your nails

*Piggy back rides

*Him showing you how to play the drums

*Tagging along on tour

*Cuddling in his bunk

*Him introducing other bands to you

*'Fangirling with you'

*Him talking about you all the time

*Others immediately thinking of you when they see him because of how often to talks about you

*"I'm so god damn lucky to have her"

*Him falling asleep on your lap

*Playing with his hair

*Him saying he hates it when in reality, he wants you to do it all day long

*Random little gifts

*Breakfast in bed

*Him calling you "darling", "love" etc because he knows you secretly like it

*Road trips

*Him singing along terribly when your favourite song comes on the radio

*Him licking your cheek

*Soft kisses on the lips

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