Secret Spot(ATL)

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Alex- The lake. You guys found this spot when you were going for a jog. Sure people occasionally showed up, but they only came in pairs and didn't stay for long. So you pretty much had it all to yourselves, free to do whatever makes you both happy. It's become a tradition for you both to go jogging every Saturday when he's home just to visit your secret spot, for that quality time.

Jack- A fort in your spare bedroom. You guys were originally supposed to use that space for a sort of home office thing. But when you came back from work stressed out and tired, Jack thought of a master plan. To build a blanket fort in your unused bedroom. Sure he had to search for Christmas lights in the basement, but he did it all because it made you smile. So now that's your secret spot in the house. A place for you both to relax.

Rian- The woods. Okay so this space isn't so secret. But it's where you belong. It's where you feel safe and where you feel the most wanted.

Zack- The library you both made in the spare room. The room is peaceful and quiet and everything was as if all your problems went away. You guys curl up together in the small nook you made beneath the bookshelf and read for hours. Or just take naps, away from the world.

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