Jeremy McKinnon Imagine (Part Two)

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It had been a few weeks since A Day To Remember ran into your café to hide from the press, and since Jeremy asked you out on a date. You and Jeremy had been texting almost everyday since then, and you both finally decided on what to do and where to go on your date. The date was going to a nice little restaurant on the edge of town, it wasn't too fancy but it was perfect for a date. What you would do after that was still undecided.

Jeremy was picking you up from your house at eight, and it was already seven and you still were not ready. You couldn't decide which dress to wear, black or red? You tried them both on and decided you looked better in the black dress, picking some black heels to go with it, you did your make up, and was ready with ten minutes to spare.

You check your phone and see you have a message from Jeremy.

"On my way, be there in 10!" The message read. Then you saw when he sent it. Received 10 minutes ago.

"Crap." You whispered to yourself, and make sure you're definitely ready.

A few moments later, you hear the door bell ring. You rush to the front door, patting down your dress and hair before opening the door.

Stood in front of you, a smartly dressed Jeremy, with some flowers in his hand.

"These are for you." He said sweetly as he handed you the flowers.

"Thank you, Jeremy. Come in, I'll put these in some water." You say as you let him in.

Jeremy sits on the couch while you go into the kitchen to put the flowers in some water.


Jeremy's P.O.V

I walk up the few steps up to Y/N's front door, to say I was nervous would be an understatement. My heart was pounding, there were butterflies in my stomach, and my hands were clammy. I take a deep breath before ringing the door bell.

The door opens and stood in front of me is Y/N. "Wow" I think to myself. She looks absolutely gorgeous.

"These are for you." I say handing her the flowers I have in my hand.

She thanks me and invites me in while she puts them in some water.

I take a seat on the couch to calm myself, I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked.


"Hey. Ready to go?" You ask, walking into the front room, noticing Jeremy seemed to be in his own world.

"Of course." He replies, quickly rising from the couch.

He opens the door and gestures for you to go first.

"After you." He says, winking.

You couldn't help but giggle.

Once Jeremy was out, you shut the door and lock it, then make your way to his car. You get in and Jeremy asks, "So, where's the restaurant?"

"Don't worry, I'll direct you." You giggle at his worried expression.


After a few wrong turns, you finally make it to the restaurant. Before you could open the car door yourself, Jeremy is there holding it open for you.

"Why thank you." You blush as you get out of the car.

Jeremy takes your hand in his and you both make your way to the restaurant.

Once inside, you could see it wasn't what you thought it would be like. It was small than you expected, but more classier. Despite this, Jeremy walked you to a table and offered you a seat. You sit down and look at the menu.

"Damn." You whispered.

"What is it?" Jeremy asks, concerned.

"Nothing, it's just a bit expensive don't you think?" You say, not wanting to sound rude.

"I guess so." He says, observing the menu.

After a few minutes of awkwardness and silence, Jeremy speaks up.

"I probably should have mentioned this when we were planning the date, but restaurants aren't really my thing." He laughs and blushes.

"Their not my thing either!" You also laugh.

"Got any ideas on what we can do?" He asks, obviously not wanting to stay at the restaurant.

You think for a while. What is there in this shitty town? There's a pizza place, but maybe not, considering you basically life on pizza. There's a cinema (bit cliché) or there's...

"Bowling!" You squeal.

"Sounds great!" Jeremy giggles at your excitement.


Once you started playing your first game of bowling, you realised you weren't as good as you thought. Jeremy was kicking your ass, and you weren't happy about that.

Jeremy's P.O.V

During the first round, I could see Y/N wasn't happy with her score, and wasn't too pleased with me winning.

Before we started playing the second round, I decided I'd let her win the next round, so I could see her smile.

Y/N got the game set up so she could go first. She knocked down eight pins, which wasn't bad.

Then it was my go. I got into position and threw the ball, only knocking down four pins.

I turned around and saw a massive smile on Y/N's face, losing this game is worth it.



You couldn't believe, you won the last game! You couldn't stop smiling, your date with Jeremy had been amazing, he was so sweet the whole time, but it was obvious he had let me win the last game of bowling, but you didn't mind.

Once the date had finished and you got something to eat, Jeremy drove you home.

You walk up to your front door with Jeremy following.

"Thank you for tonight, I had a great time." You smiled.

"So did I." Jeremy blushed.

"I guess I'll see you soon then?"

"Yeah, of course." He smiles.

You go to turn around and open the door when Jeremy gently pulls you towards him. Before you could say anything, Jeremy kissed you, and it was amazing.

"I'm sorry." Jeremy said sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

"It's fine." You say, and kiss him again.

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