Jaime Preciado imagine

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Class was a total buzzkill. As the teacher droned on, I started to dose off. just as I finished yawning, a tiny marshmallow flew at my nose. I looked up to see none other than my best friend, Vic, laughing silently. I raised my eyebrows to ask 'what' and glanced up to see if the teacher noticed.

Vic mouthed. "Meet me and the guys at lunch?" I smiled and nodded, pointing to the small bag of marshmallows he had. He got the hint and tossed me a couple, one landing in my mouth as the other hit my nose.

Our sniggers were cut off by the clearing of a throat. My head shot up to the front, witnessing a very aggravated teacher. He gave us a pointed look before going back to the lesson, grumbling something about disrespectful senior students.

When class was over, me and Vic walked to our next periods. They were right next to each other.

"So, did you hear what happened in the guys locker room the other day?" Vic asked, changing the topic quickly when I started talking about the homework.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "nope. What happened?"

"The football guys were messing with that magician kid again. Heard they locked him in a locker!" Vic let out a sad chuckle.

I scowled at the ground and shook my head. "Ugh, that is not right. How can they just stand around and torture the poor guy? What did he ever do to them? This is seriously why I can't fucking stand humans, Vic. I mean it." This had to be the third or forth time I've heard about that guy getting bullied. It was infuriating to think that people could be so heartless, but that was the world for you. Never really having met this boy, I didn't know why they would pick him as a target. Maybe he just didn't know how to fight for himself. Shame.

The last period before lunch seemed slower than usual. It was because I kept day dreaming through class, over analysing what I heard earlier from Vic. I seriously had no idea how people could do this to another human being. It was wrong and totally unnecessary. This bugged me all the way until the bell rang, signalling that it was lunch. I gathered my things and headed out the door. While I walked with Vic and my friends, my bladder decided to be known. I made my way to the restroom, thankfully empty, and did my business. After I was done, I washed my hands and analysed myself in the mirror.

Black liner lined my eyes and my bangs were falling in my face. I adjusted the Foo Fighters shirt I had on and the tight jeans I wore with it. Finally being satisfied, I made my way out of into the now empty hallway. It was pretty quite, despite having the entire student body bustling around the cafeteria. Only having walked a few feet from the restroom, I was kind of startled when I suddenly heard shouting and thuds coming from the opposite direction of the cafe. Confusion and curiosity took over me as I moved toward the sounds. When I turned the corner at the end of the hall, my heart sank. There were at least three big guys, no doubt jocks, standing around the boy on the floor. The boy wasn't bleeding but had a bruise forming on his cheek. They hadn't noticed me so I creped closer and saw that they boy was that magician guy.

One of the guys grabbed the boy's collar and was about to hit him again. I stepped forward. "Hey! Why don't you guys bother someone else?" I shouted. Okay, I got their attention. Now what?

The three huge jocks turned, locking their gaze on me. The one holding the boy smirked.

"Why? What are you gonna do about it?" His friends laughed as they advanced toward me. Oh shit. I glanced at magician boy behind him, he was looking at me like I was completely nuts. Quite frankly, I was starting to think I had lost my mind. But I wasn't going to let an innocent person get the crap beaten out of him.

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