Vic Fuentes imagine

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I sighed as I was woken up by my parents arguing again...Just another lovely day in the Y/L/N household. My eyes wondered to the digital clock reading 7:30am, groaning I swing my legs over the side of my bed, I stood up and walked over to my wardrobe. I managed to pull out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and some random band tee; I got dressed, combed my awfully messy hair putting a beanie on since I could not be bothered styling it and quickly put on mascara and eyeliner.

Preparing myself for a one sided screaming match from my father, I walked into the kitchen to get my ice tea, as I opened the fridge dad's voice sounded. "Y/N why were you home so late?" I sighed as I took the can out the fridge to face him. "My shift went a bit over time and the buses had stopped running for the night so I had to walk home." I answered telling him the truth looking him dead in the eye.

He scoffed. "You lair. You were probably whoring around with one of those boys you hang out with, this is why no one wants to be with you Y/N you're a whore." I'm familiar with this talk, I have learnt to ignore his insults. Rolling my eyes I answered with "Yep totally dad whatever" as I walked to the front door slipping on my boots and taking my bag for the hook above.

His heavy footsteps became dangerously close, I was forcefully turned to face him before his hand came in contact with my cheek. "You listen here you bitch! You don't ever speak back to me do you understand?!" He spat in anger, I nodded not daring to say a word as I walked out the house making my way to the bus stop.

I fumbled through my bag to find my headphones so I could listen to music on the bus as I made my way to school. The bis ride was only twenty minutes long but some of my friends get on with me, I looked out the window as we stopped to pick up another group of students. This group had Mike and Vic Fuentes in it, two of my close friends; Vic came and sat next to me as Mike sat behind us. I took my headphones out so I was able to greet them. "Hey how was your weekend?" I asked as I hugged them.

"Yeah it was good, all we really did was practice." He laughed. "What about you?" He added. I smiled as I answered. "Yeah it was good, work was really busy but that was okay because I got a bit more money." I laughed pausing my music. I directed my eyes back to him to see he had a saddened look plastered on his face. "What?" I asked confused, he took his hand turning my face to examine the red mark on my cheek. "What's this?" He asked quietly. "Oh nothing my mum accidentally hit me in the face with the pantry door not realizing I was there." I lied so that he didn't worry.

He gave me half a smile as he sighed. "Well she needs to watch what she's doing, we don't need any bruises on your beautiful face." He said as the bus stopped in front of the school getting off. I stared in confusion as a blush crept onto my cheeks...He has never said anything like that before. I felt a tap on my shoulder pulling me from my thoughts. "You getting off or not?" Mike chuckled as he threw his bag over his shoulder, I nodded my head. "Yeah..." I said standing up and walking off the bus.

I had no idea what just happened but I brushed it was probably nothing. The loud warning bell rang through the school signalling that it was time to start heading to first class, which for me was visual communications.

The class had finished so I had quickly packed my things rushing out the room to my locker before making my way to the cafeteria, hoping that all the good food wasn't gone. Waiting in line I heard my name being called, I turn to see Vic, Tony, Mike and Jaime. "Hello miss lady." Tony remarked causing me to laugh. "Hey." I chuckled picking out my choc-chip muffin and paying for it.

"So how was class for you guys?" I asked as I took a seat at one of the tables. They all starred at each other and back at me shrugging. "Boring" "Lame" "Okay" "Eh" each of them said over each other. Rolling my eyes I took a bite out of my muffin closing my eyes in delight as the soft chocolate melted in my mouth.

I opened my eyes to see that Mike, Jaime and Tony were leaving, I starred at them in confusion; they said nothing and just walked out leaving Vic and I sitting here next to each other all by ourselves. "Uh...Did I do something?" I asked Vic in confusion, Vic laughed and shook his head. "No don't worry you didn't do anything." He stated.

Scrunching my eyebrows together I asked, "Then why did they leave?", "They left so we could talk." Vic smiled. At this point I was still very confused. "About what...I'm really confused." I said honestly, "I will explain it in a minute just...listen okay." Vic said softly, I nodded not saying anything letting him speak.

"Well you see Y/N this has taken me a long time to realize that if I don't get this out now I don't think I ever will." He said seriously looking into my eyes, I nodded once again letting him proceed. "For a very long time I have developed feelings towards more then friends way. I understand if you don't have an-" I cut him off. "Kiss me." "What?" He said in shock. "I said kiss me god damn it." I laughed.

He did so, lifting my chin ever so slightly as our lips touch in pure tenderness. Pulling apart with our foreheads still touching. "Trust me I have had feelings for you for quite some time too." I chuckled. "So...will you do the honours of being my girlfriend?" He asked smiling. "Of course I will." I laughed kissing him once again.

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