Jeremy McKinnon Imagine (Part One)

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm ringing. Oh great, another day of hell. 

With a deep sigh and a long stretch, you unwilling get out of bed to start getting ready for work. Tiredly, you made your way to the bathroom and ran the shower, got undressed and climbed in, the warm water welcomed by your cold skin.

Having finished showering, you got dried, dressed and made breakfast. After devouring breakfast, you packed your bag, got your keys and made your way to work. 

Today seemed to be a quiet day for once, it had been an hour and there had been one customer. Since it was so quiet, you decided to have a quick check of your phone. You went on Twitter and saw A Day To Remember were in your town today. 

"Damn, how did I not know about this?" You said to yourself.

As you were about to study the tweet further, the bell rung, sounding  another customer. 


Jeremy's P.O.V

The guys and I had decided to go sightseeing in the town were playing tonight. 

We hadn't seen much so far, there was a few statues of famous people and art work displayed around the town, but other than that, not much. It wasn't too small of a town, but not massive either. There also weren't many people out.

That was until a large group of people started following us. I turned around to see what they were doing, and I saw the camera's they were holding.

"Guys, it's the press." I said quietly.

"We need to find somewhere to go, fast." Kevin chimed in.

We started walking faster, hoping they wouldn't notice, but this was the press, they notice everything.

Soon, we were being chased down the street by a mob of guys with camera's.

Then, out the corner of my eye, I spot an escape route. 

"Follow me." I shout.

We run down this ally that is full of people and shops.

"In here!"

I opened a door of a smallish cafe and the guys rushed in. All trying to hide out of sight of the press.



You heard the bell of the door opening, meaning there were more customers.

Looking over at the door, you see five guys running in, and seeming to be tying to hide. They looked familiar. Then you realised, it's your favourite band, ADTR.

They look over at you, then Jeremy shouts towards you.

"Could you locked the doors and pull the blinds?" He shouts, out of breath.

Starstruck, you did as he asked. 

"Thanks." He smiles at you.

You nodded, unable to speak.

They move over and go to sit at a booth close to the counter. Once you'd calmed down, you walked over to their booth.

"Can I get you guys anything?" You asked, trying not to fangirl in front of them.

"Five coffees please." Jeremy says sweetly.

"No problem."

You go to turn and get their drinks ready when Jeremy says something.

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