Oli Sykes imagine

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Today was perfect, your boyfriend Oli had just come back from tour and the two of you were having a lazy day in front of the TV. You missed Oli when he could be gone for three or more months at a time, Skyping and texting wasn't the same as having his arms around your waist as the two of you cuddled with your back to his chest on the sofa.

There was nothing interesting on TV and both of you had lost interest. Oli had taken to planting small kisses up and down your neck sending chills down your spin; he was the only person who had this kind of effect on you. He'd also taken to whispering sweet nothings in your ear and his warm breath tickled your skin.

"Do you want to know another reason why I love you?" 

You nodded and shuddered as he placed another kiss on your skin.

"I love how perfectly you fit against my body, it's like we were made for each other and I don't care if that sounds corny."

You internally awed at how sickly cute Oli could be when the two of you were alone. This was a side of him that not many people saw and you like to think of it as your little secret.

"It's corny but sweet Oli. I love you too."

You roll over so that you're face to face and lean up to peck him on the nose. He chuckles before you feel his arms tighten around your waist as he pulls you closer to his chest. Something dark flashes behind his eyes too quick for you to identify, with his free hand he strokes your cheek before moving down to cup your chin. You know what's coming next when he pulls you in for a long passionate kiss.

After a couple of minutes to two of you pull apart and Oli goes back to stroking your cheek while all you can do is stare lovingly at him. How you got so lucky you'll never know.

"One more reason why I love you love..."

You tilt your head slightly waiting for what he says next when he smirks.

"I love how fucking perfect your lips feel on mine."

And with those words leaving his lips you feel him pull you in for round two, the TV long forgotten.

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