Tino Arteaga Imagine

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You sat on your bed jiggling your legs nervously. In your hands a small pink stick that could change your life.

You starred at the screen, not blinking and slowly a thin blue plus line sign appeared. It was positive. You were pregnant. Your heart leaped leapt out of your chest and you stopped breathing.

You didn't know what to feel. You could feel your body start to shake and your breathing picked up. You knew a panic attack was creeping up on you.

"Fuck." You shout aloud. "How am I going to tell Tino. He doesn't want kids. Not until we get married at least. Oh shit he's going to leave me. Oh god. I can't lose him." You tried to blink away the tears that had started to well in your eyes but there were too many.

You started pacing the room quickly, chewing on your fingernails. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table you realised that people would be turning up in about half an hour for your house party, so you slowly made your way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. As you got undressed you remembered that the test was still on the bed and you shuffled back into your room to hide it. Hearing the front door slam you panicked and threw the test back in the box. A voice echoed up the stairs.

"Y/N? Where are you?" Tino yelled. "I have something for you."

"Shit." You swore under your breath. you ran into the bathroom hiding the box under your towels on the floor and jumped in the shower.

"Y/N?" You heard Tino call again.

"In the shower." You yelled back trying to sound chirpy.

"The party starts in half an hour. Are you going to be ready?" He asked walking into the bathroom.

"Of course.I don't need that much time to get ready. I am Fabulous after all." You giggled slightly.

"What are your towels doing on the floor?" He asked bending down to pick them up.

"No!" You screamed

He listed the towels off the ground and the pregnancy test box tumbled to the floor. You starred at Tino as he starred at the box.

"Y/N." He said after a long silence. "Are you-." He paused again picking up the box. "Are we-." He whispered looking up at you from the box he was gripping firmly in his hand. "Pregnant?"

"Yeah." You breathed quietly looking at the wet tiles of the shower floor.

Suddenly the shower door opened and Tino climbed in still wearing his clothes and pushed you against the wall. Taking your face in his hands, he kissed you, stealing your breath and looked you dead in the eye.

"Really?" He smiled.

"Yeah really." You smiled back at him out of breathe and he picked you up in his arms and held you close to his chest.

His scent filled your body and his arms felt cold against your skin. You were so relieved that his reaction was good and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"I love you Y/N. I love you so much. We're going to be awesome parents!" He exclaimed.

He kept his arms around your waist as he continued to kiss you. He kissed your nose, your cheeks, your forehead and down your neck. He kissed along your collar bones and as he kissed lower he suddenly blew a raspberry on your upper chest which sent you into a fit of giggling and he laughed with you, filling the bathroom with his deep voice. He stroked your cheek with the back of his hand and wrapped his fingers in your hair bringing his lips to yours again. You started to get dizzy from lack of breath and felt the hot water slowly turn to cold.

"People are going to be here soon." Kissing Tino you breathed quietly.

"Fuck them I'm having a baby. I'm going to be a dad. An actual father. And you're going to be a mum."

"I love you Tino." You said. "But get out of the shower. It's starting to run cold and I said I didn't need much time not I don't need any at all."

He laughed and kissed you on the forehead and then placed his hands on your belly.

"This is going to be the coolest kid around. Wait 'till I tell the guys." He danced as he got out of the shower dripping wet. "I'm having a baby!" He screamed to the house.

You sighed in relief as you put your hands on your belly.

"Coolest kid around alright." You whispered. "And don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't call you something stupid, I promise."

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