James Cassells imagine

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Sun shone down from the sky and the wind blew past you as you walked through down-town LA. You were on your way to meet up with your boyfriend of two years, James, and his band. He had text you earlier that day asking if you could come to their studio session for something at three o'clock specifically. You agreed but now you were worried something bad had happened. As you walked up to the building and opened the door, you noticed Ben was talking to the person at the front desk about something. When you walked up next to him, you copied his position and looked at him.

"Hey there Benny, why was I requested at this very specific time?" You asked him and he looked at you.

"Oh hey Y/N. Follow me." He said.

"You didn't answer my question." You told him as the two of you began walking into the back of the building.

"I will in a second, jeez woman. How does James put up with you?" He asked as he pushed open the door and a room filled with the rest of his band appeared.

"He just does." You said as you walked into the room.

"Hey Y/N." Denis greeted you first ans at the mention of your name, James' head popped up and he immediately walked over to you and gave you a kiss.

"Hello love." He smirked and you rolled your eyes.

"Now, is anyone going to tell me why I had to leave my day full of playing League of Legends and come here?" I asked them and James smiled.

"Okay, don't get mad, okay?" James said to you and you raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I get mad?" I asked.

"I might have told them you were a drummer too." He scrunched up his face and you groaned.

"Why would you do that?" You whined and the room erupted into laughter.

"It just slipped?" He seemed to be questioning himself.

"Whatever, how does that have to do with why I'm here?" You asked and Ben put his arm around you.

"We told James that you are probably a better drummer than him and that we might replace him with you. He said he was better. We want to know for sure." He explained and you groaned.

"I haven't actually played the drums in over a year. Not too sure how much better than him I am." You said and Ben shrugged.

"Who cares? We think that the two of you should choose a song that both of you know and do a drum off." Denis told you and you gave James a dirty look.

"You know exactly why I stopped drumming, why would you bring it up?" You asked and he shrugged.

"It just came up. I told them and then they all went on a tangent on how much better you must be if you kept it a secret." He shrugged again and you rolled your eyes. If we're having a drum off, I choose the song. You thought to yourself and but your lip as you thought of a song.

"Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold." You said and they all looked at you.

"Huh?" James looked at you.

"That's the song we're going to do. Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold. I listened to it this morning, we're doing this damn drum off with that song. Who goes first?" You asked and the whole room laughed.

"Since we've been hearing James make what he thinks is music all day, we think you should." Cameron chimed in and you shrugged. You pulled off your jacket, stretched your arms and fingers and then grabbed the drumsticks from James' hands.

"Hey." He said and you flipped him off as you walked into the booth where the drums were.

"Tell me when you want me to start." You called out as you situated yourself on the seat and adjusted things to your liking.

"Stop messing with my drums Y/N!" James pouted and you shrugged.

"I don't usually have my drums like you do, suck it up." You said and the band chuckled at James.

"Start whenever." Ben told you and you nodded. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes and played the song in your head. Then you began playing. At first you were a little rusty, but as you really got into it, you could tell it sounded good.

As the song came to an end, you looked up at the window and saw all of them giving you shocked looks, except for James. His was a look of defeat. You smirked as you got off the stool and walked out of the room, handing the drumsticks back to James.

"Good luck babe." You smirked before giving him a peck on the cheeks and pushing him into the room. He groaned as he put the drums back to how he had it and then took a breath and started. it was a little choppy and a little messy. He looked like he was having troubles. Maybe he didn't know the song as well as he said he did. You crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow. Denis had his arm around your shoulders and was chuckling beside you.

"What's that chuckle for Denis?" You asked and he chuckled again.

"James is losing so bad." He said and you nodded.

"I know." You smiled and he laughed. When James finished the song, he set the drumsticks down and walked out of the booth.

"Oh my god, could that have been anymore terrible?" Ben asked and James smacked him in the shoulder.

"Who was better?" James asked. All four of them pointed to me and then immediately began teasing James.

"A girl who hasn't played in a year beat you James. How sad is that?" Ben asked with a laugh.

"And you call yourself a professional drummer." Sam joked and you watched James' face grow irritated and sad.

"Okay okay okay. Leave him be." You said.

"No, he deserves to be picked on. You beat him. You, the person who hasn't played in a year, beat him, who was drumming this morning." Ben said and then he joined in with the other three in laughing and teasing James. You sat there on the chair, silently biting your lip, watching all this happen. Then, out of nowhere, James left the room, slamming the door behind him.

"What happened?" You asked and Ben shrugged. You sighed as you climbed off the chair and left the room to find James. As you got to the front, you looked at the person at the desk, who pointed at the door.

"Thanks." You thanked her and walked out of the building. James was leaning against your car and you could tell he was pissed off.

"Hey, let it go." You told him as you walked up to him and grabbed his chin and lifted it to face you.

"I'm sick of them making fun of me and saying I can't drum." He said and you nodded.

"You know they're joking. Without you, they can't really do what they do. They love you, they just have an odd way of showing it." You shrugged and looked at him.

"How come you said you hadn't drummed in a year when you were drumming yesterday?" He asked and you shrugged.

"Cause I was talking about drumming for a recording. I have't done that since my band broke apart, and that was a year ago." You said.

"They think that you hadn't drummed at all in a year. Makes me look bad babe." He sighed and you smiled.

"Maybe I want to outshine you. Oh wait, I do that on a daily basis!" You chuckled before going onto your tippy toes and planting a kiss on his lips and setting your arms loosely around his neck. He responding by putting his hands on your hips and kissing you back.

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