His favourite thing about you(PTV)

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His favourite thing is when you look down at your feet and blush, he thinks it's adorable. He will left up your chin and look you in the eyes, making you blush even more.

 He will left up your chin and look you in the eyes, making you blush even more

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Tony loves it when you watch Star Wars with him. He will cuddle with you and kiss your cheek. Leaning your weight on him and kissing his lips, he would smirk and turn back to the movie, holding you tight.

 Leaning your weight on him and kissing his lips, he would smirk and turn back to the movie, holding you tight

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Jaime loves it when you sing and play guitar, being in a band yourself it was very easy for him to fall in love with you. He watches you write songs and falls in love even more each and everyday. His favourite thing is when you sing him to sleep when he's ill, because you'll stroke his hair and sing to him until he falls asleep on your shoulder.

 His favourite thing is when you sing him to sleep when he's ill, because you'll stroke his hair and sing to him until he falls asleep on your shoulder

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Vic's favourite thing is when you go for long walks and you randomly grab his hand and pull him along with you. This makes him smile and look at you with his famous eyes. He always picks you up bridal style and run you around the park, kissing you with every opportunity.

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