Justin Hills imagine

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"You can't just leave when things get difficult Justin!" I yelled, following my boyfriend into the living room.

"The fuck I can't!" He shouted back. "Where is my damn jacket?" He looked around tossing coats and storming around.

"Do NOT walk out that fucking door, Justin Hills!"

"Then what the hell should I do Y/N?" He screamed, turning on me. "Stay here?"

"Yes! Stay here with me and work this out!" I told him, angry and desperate at the same time.

"Fine, I'll stay here. You wanna talk about it? Let's fucking talk about it!" He yelled in my face. I didn't say anything for a second. "Exactly. Fucking exactly! Because you know I'm right , but you'll never admit that. You're being a bitch, straight out. Which is why I'm outta here as soon as I find my goddamn jacket!" I stood there in tears, arms crossed over my chest. I felt like this was hopeless. There was nothing else for me to say do I headed to the hall. Justin found his jacket and threw it on, opening the door.

"Walk out of here if you want, but that door might not be open when you decide to come back." I told him bluntly. Justin opened his mouth to say something as he paused but nothing came out. I turned and headed to our bedroom, locking myself in. I slid down the door, putting my head in my hands and started to cry. Down the hall I heard Justin slam the door shut. I thought he had left until I heard him cursing loudly and throwing things around. I heard glass shattering and books hitting the wall. I tried to ignore it and pretend it wasn't happening. After awhile, I noticed it was silent. I had stopped crying but I felt empty and drained.

"Babe?" Justin asked softly, his voice hoarse from the other side of the door.

"Go away." I whispered back, not wanting to see him.

"Come on, sweety, let me in."

"No Justin. I really don't want to see you right now." I told him, not moving to unlock the door.

"Alright." He sighed. I heard him slide the door and sit there. "Can we talk a little bit?" I didn't respond. "Okay, well, I'll just talk to you then. All you have to is listen okay?"

"Fine." I agreed leerily.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered after a long pause. "I was so out of hand. Things never should have gotten that far. I shouldn't have said what I did or done what I did. Y/N I know I don't deserve forgiveness, and you don't deserve this fighting. I love you baby, I honestly really do..."

"I know you do Justin." I said quietly. "I wish you just wouldn't get so angry."

"I know, honey, I know. And I'm gonna promise you that I'll work on it. I almost lost you tonight, and... and I don't think I'd be able to stand it if I did..." He paused for a few minutes while we just sat in silence. "Can I come in yet?"

"Not yet. Let's talk some more. About normal stuff." I said.

"Okay, whatever you want sweetheart." Justin agreed. And so we talked. We talked about his band, and my job, and the new movies that are out, and all kinds of things. Despite everything, I felt myself smiling. We even laughed together a bit. Time passed before we even realized it.

"I could...let you in now...if you want." I suggested.

"Yeah,yeah, I'd love that!" He said eagerly. I heard him scramble to his feet. I stood up slowly and opened the door to him in, looking at the floor meekly. "Baby come here." He whispered, wrapping me in his arms. I hugged him back like I hadn't seen him in a year. Justin's hand came up to stroke my hair. "I'm sorry." He said into the top of my head, placing kisses after each apology. "I'm so sorry. It'll never happen again." We stayed like that for a while before pulling away so he could place a small kiss on my lips. "How about we go take a hot bath, hmm?"

"I'd like that." I agreed with a tiny smile.

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