Chapter 3: video message

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*margots p.o.v*

Alright scene 57! Take 1 ....ACTION!

"Mistah j come on! ...."

I look at the director.

"Mistah j?!"

A few seconds past.


I walk up to david.

"What happen?"

"I dont know."

I look to my right and see cara delevigne and the squad come towards me.

"Margot come look at this!"

"What happen?"

She grabs my hand and takes me jared dressing room. I glance and see the director follow.


"He gave us all a dead hog." Will smith said

I gag. Smith continued

"And gave me personally bullets. But a video came with the hog."

"Whats in the video?"

"We havent watched it."


"We wanted you to see it with us."


Cara grabs her bag and pulls out her Mac computer. She puts in the hard drive and pushes the space bar. it starts to play. He walks up to the camera. He was wearing a white tuxedo.

Heylo! Guys, I can't be there but I want you to know I'm doing my work as hard as you guys. Exuse my behavior. Well no. Dont exuse me actually. I like seeing you scared. Its fun to see the look on those faces of yours! Love scarin you jokesters. Haha and especially you my lovely miss Quinn! If your watching...find me if you cannn!! Bbbahahahahahaha!!"

He hits the camera. It falls and shuts off. Im speechless. No words escaped my mouth.

"Wheres david?!" I asked

"Outside" cara said

"Ughh he didnt see it."

I walk outside and he asked what happened.

I answered his response and explained to him how I felt.

"Basically, what he said was, Guys, I can't be there but I want you to know I'm doing my work as hard as you guys. The video he showed-well he was- is in character. It blew our minds away. Then we realized that this is real. ... He encompasses this beautiful man and he shows it in, 'Hello, how are you?' But in an instant, he goes to psychotic behavior where you're in fear. But i love him because he has both of those genuine sides."


"Ill look for him. Make sure the therapist comes the next time we shoot." I said

"Ok no problem. Be safe. Call me if anything happens."


I looked everywhere. I could not find him. I looked in the obvious And the exotic places. Wasnt there. I was only five minutes away from my house. So im gonna stop by there. I then got a message from david.

Calling off filming for 3 days. Have a good one

I didnt bother to text back. I had to get home and rest my lazy ass.


I search through my bag to look for my door keys. I stop. All of a sudden i hear opera music. I open the door slowly.
I walk in and look around. I saw no one. I walk in the kitchen and set my bag on the counter. I was suddenly frightened by my pan. The pan started to sizzle. I speed walk to the oven and turn it off. I keep cautious of my surroundings. Why was the music playing. Why was it opera? Why is there food cooking.

The high notes of the music start to annoy me. I drag my feet to the radio and shut it off.

"Oh...whyd you have to do that? It was just about to get to the good part."

I turn around and see jared in the shadows of my hallway. I gasp and drop my phone.

"You scared me!" I scolded

"Haha good." He growled.

He walks up to me.

"What do you want? Well actually what was that video all about are-are-are you  mad!?" I asked

"Obviously couldnt you tell suga?"

"When did you decide to start calling me sugar. You tired of.."

"Jareds not here. " he hissed

I go up to him and slap him across the face.


He grabs my wrists and pushes me against the wall.

"Harley you snap out of it. Ya being really....really...wierd."

"Ha nice one. But God Damit need to talk to you." I whined

"Oh harley. Put a smile on that face! I wanna rev up that harley."

He puts my hair behind my ear.

"Your even crazier out of costume...jared please..please let the monster out. Your scaring me."

I punch him in the jaw. I run down my hall and grab a frame. I wait until he comes and follows. I hit him with my hardest strength and make him knock out cold. I felt really bad but I had to do it. To basically protect myself.

Glass shattered the floor around him. I drag him by his feet and attempt to put him on the couch. That didnt work at first. But after a thousand trys he was up there. Thats all that mattered. I run to my bedroom and grab my black and white flannel. I didnt want him to wake up in costume . He would go nuts..again.


I set my brush down after parting my hair in the middle. I go through my drawer to search for a hair tie. All of a sudden i hear a sound. A husky voice.

"What the fuck?"

I run to the living And see him.Not the joker. But jared. I tackle him with a hug.

"Oh I missed you!!" I giggled

"Missed me? I havent heard that from a woman in a while. Or have someone tackle me down with a hug in a while!"

"Jared we need to talk."

"What is it?"

"Stop with behavior. You acted like a freak earlier. You-you left the set and made a jaw dropping video. Jared people are scared of you..."

"Like the old man said..madness is like gravity all you need is a little push..."

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