Chapter 35: Hitchcock night

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Margot stretches her arms while she takes a step out of the bathroom door. She stops when she hears a low tone humming echoing the room.

"Haha look who's back..the one and only Mistah J." She said smirking.

Margot set her hand on the frame of the wall and let her body weight lean into it. She sets her cheek above her hand.

Jared stops humming once he heard Margots beautiful voice.

"Hello gorgeous." He said sitting up,using his elbows.

Jared blinks a few times.

"Wow you caught my attention." He said smirking,looking her head to toes.

"Did I?" Margot laughed,changing her position. She started walking up to Jared. Her hand was still holding onto the frame until her arm couldn't reach.

"It's a mess in here..all these clothes scattered everywhere." Jared said pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah. I couldn't find my robe so I had to search through all the bags."

"Yeah lots of clothes you got here. Maybe we can set a few more on the floor later." Jared said smiling

Margot got the memo. Her head dropped and laughter escaped her mouth. She leans down and kisses Jared on his cheek.

"I'll be out in the balcony." She said resting her palm on his neck.

She starts taking slow steps backward,but Jared stops her-Gripping onto her smooth fingers.

"No don't leave me."

"It'll be for a few minutes." Margot said hiding her blush.

"When I come back inside I want a horror movie playing on that television."

"Oh yeah?" Jared said smirking

"Make it a classic." Margot said in a stern tone.

"Hey don't be pointing that finger at me mum."

"Mum? When did you all of a sudden become British."

"It just might run in my family." Jared said raising his eyebrow.

"Sure it does." Margot laughed

A few seconds of holding in laughter past.

"Okay stop stalling me. I'll be right back."

"Sure you will."

"Oh shut up." Margot yelled rolling her eyes.

Moments later Margot took the last breeze of the night. Temperature was dropping.

Margot walks in,looking straight at the television and of course. There it was. A nice classic scary film.

"Ohhhh Alfred Hitchcock's 'psycho' nice choice!"

Jared responses with a wink.

"You know me to well." Margot stated

"Yes I do. And guess what else I brought." Jared said leaving the room.

"Your favourite! Got it popped nice and cold."

"Yummm." Margot said grabbing the large red whine from Jared's hands.

"All I need is a glass." She finished.

"Gotcha madam." Jared said Bowing down.

Margot stopped him before he got to his knees.

"Enough Crazy one. I'm not a queen but I'll just let you do me a favour."

"You are my queen."

"And your my servant..." Margot intoned

Everything got quiet. Until Margot bursted out laughing

"I'm kiddin. And your my king." She said resting her forehead on his.

Jared puckers his mouth and grips margots waist. They instantly connect lips. Margot wraps her arms around his neck. She pulls back after a few seconds.

"Whoa there..someone's aggressive...
I like it." She said smirking.

"Good cause you'll be seeing a lot of that tonight." He laughed

"Mmmm." Margot said grinning.

"Okay let me go get your glass." Jared said giving her one last kiss.

When Jared left the room Margot checked herself in the mirror.

"I miss you already!"

"I just went out of the room literally 2 seconds ago!" He yelled back from the kitchen.

Margot flips her hair and starts scrunching it up to add volume.

"Well well..."

Margot quickly turns her back.

"What?" She said blushing with embarrassment.

"Nothing." He said setting her full glass down.

"Damn that's a lot to drink."

"Hey it's movie night we always gotta have a little extra extra."

"Well I know for sure I'll be tipsy." She stated,eyeing the glass.

Jared laughs. "I hope not cause remember you have to drive me somewhere tomorrow morning."

"I do? Where?"

"To zacks house."

"Ohhh the mens party. Yeah no problem. You stayin the night?"

"Unfortunately. Just might be two days."

"Oh ok. Well I'll be making plans with cara then."

"Y'all are gonna go do your little girls night thing!" Jared said in a childish voice

"Oh shut up!" Margot laughed

Minutes later Margot had just finished brushing her hair.

"Awe I missed the beginning."

"It's all good beginnings boring anyway."

"Pleasure to join me?" Jared said opening his arms.

Margot smiles and slides under the covers and lays her head on Jared's shoulder.

"Your comfy."

"Am I? I get that from a lot of people."

Margots eyes widen. She looks up to Jared with her jaw dropped. They both laugh.

"And what do you mean these 'people'."


"Well no need to share that."

"And my mom..."

"Oh how she doing?"

"Good she's always blowing up my phone. She's dying to meet you."

"Has anyone ever told you,your moms very pretty?"

"Oh yeah they think she's beautiful."

"I's true."

"And it's true that you are too."

I look away and smile.
"Good to know."

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