Chapter 13:Down the road

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*Margot's pov*

Meanwhile I was all fixed up. It was still the same night. The night were it was full of anger. It was now 11:00 o'clock at night. The moon shine lit the land and trees. The lake reflected off of the moon. It was pretty. I needed a break. Jared started to move around. He was out. But now he's healing pretty quick. I wanted to take a walk around the streets. I needed time to think. I needed time to be left alone without worrying about anything. I look at Shannon who was zoned out. I know he's thinking about Jared. He's trying to picture what I explained to him earlier.

"Shannon?" I asked

"Yeah?" He said still zoned out.

"I'm gonna go for a walk I'll be back in like 25 minutes.."

Shannon kept quiet. He was still staring at one spot in the room.

"I-is is it okay if I can step out?" I asked

"Uh-yeah..yeah you need it. Um okay yeah it's fine go ahead."

"Thank you." I whispered

I take a step out. I walk down the stairs and to the closest road. I cross the street on to the sidewalk. I watch my feet go back and forward...back and forward. It was boring. But at least I didn't stay in a room of awkward silence and just watch Jared struggle in his 'sleep'. I lean on a pole and watch the light go from red.

*Jared pov*

Everything was blurry. I didn't recognize were I was. I blink several times to adjust my eyesight. I rub my eyes and groan.


Shannon looks at me slowly and frowns. He walks up to me and pushes me. I put my hands up.

"Whoa what happened?!"

"You psychopath! Your f**king crazy! Who the f**k do you think you are goin and trying to hurt Margot! Jared you almost cut her mouth open!" Shannon yelled.

I didn't remember none of this. I was shocked. What am I hearing. I'm a freak. Only one thing was wanting to come out my mouth.

"Margot." I mumbled

"What?" Shannon asked

"Margot. Where is she?"

"Shannon leans back and crosses his arms. She took a step out. She needed a break. To much pressure on her because of you"Shannon said

This got my attention. Which way did she go? Oh god. I'm hoping she didn't go the wrong way. There's horrible people there. Dangerous me? No, no probably worse.

"Damnit which way did she go?!"

Shannon gestured to the right.


I jump off the bed and run out the door. I run to the road and look at the ground. Dirt was scattered across the concrete. I tried looking for footsteps. I went straight forward.

*third pov*

Margot walks up to a fire. She puts her hands over it. Newspapers and junk covered her feet. She looked around and saw people drinking. She saw lots of homeless and a gang of men and women. She saw people by trash and and abandoned buildings doing drugs.She was worried. She'd never been on such horrific territory. She starts walking back from where she came from. She feels a touch on her arm. She looks back and sees 4 men.

"Oh look at what we have here!" One man said.

"We got a jackpot Michael!"another said.

The other two were rubbing there hands together staring Margot down.

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