Chapter 22: touring around.

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"Okay what are ya gonna play me?" I said sitting down on his leather couch.

"Whatever you want." he said glaring at me.

The house was was huge. Way bigger than mine. 100 times bigger. The kitchen was pretty,the dining room,the living room. His living room was half the size of my house. I start zoning out.

"Heylooo" he said flapping his hand in my face.

I jump.

"Oh Sorry!"

"Sooo what did you want me to play."

"How about a made up one. Like make one up right now." I said standing up.

"improvise you mean?"

"Yeah do that improvising stuff you do. I like it."

"No Problemo."

I look out the window. He strokes the guitar. I grin and close my eyes. The noise rings in my ears.

I turn around and catch him looking at me. He bites his lip and looks me down. I chuckle and then turn back around. He hums. I walk back and sit beside him. He looks at me and stops playing.

"What happened? It was getting good."

"I kinda wanna do something else." he said

"okay then what."

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know." I aksed

" you pronounce the word 'know' weird."

"No I do not." I chuckled

"knowr." he said in a girly voice

I laugh.

"Margot do you not notice that there is no 'R' in the word 'know'." he said

I playfully punch him.


"It makes me laugh all the time."

"Well good for you. You wernt the one born in Australia."

"I wasnt. I was born in america. And Americans know how to pronounce the word 'know'" he laughed. He then continued

"I'm not being mean. Its just funny how everyone can point it out."

"your still mean Jared. Anyway its talk about something else."

"Okay. Well ya wanna Check out the rest of the house?" he asked



Jared takes me down a very very long hallway.

"Man I feel bad that you live here." I said

"Why is that?"

"Because we'll..lets say you loose your phone or a very important object. how would you find it in this mansion?"

"Well with the money I have. I would just but a new phone. I don't even bother looking for it."

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