Chapter 20: is Everything funny to you?

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"You shouldn't do this." Marie said

"Marie it's been 7 days,it's time for him to get out."


"Maybe that's why he's getting mad. He's getting paranoid. Tight spaces must make him angry. Frustration starts to build up when he's not moving around to much."

"But still. I don't trust him with you. What are you gonna do with him after this?" she asked

"Take him to my place and talk with him. Or do something to get the stuff off his mind. Something better than him staying here for longer."

"He just attacked you. How do you forgive him like that?" She snapped

"That's what friends kinda do Marie. I'm not choosing sides or anything but it's the truth."

She sighs.

"I'll be right back."

I wait a few minutes. Then I see her come back to me with Jared. She holds his arm until they get to the desk.

"Stay here okay?" she said

"No problemo!" he shouted

Marie leans close to me. She whispers in my ear.

"If anything happens you call me. Even if it's a little thing." She said in a stern tone.

I just look at her. She lifts her eyebrows and tilts her head down making sure I understand. I just smile and look at Jared whom was laughing.

"Come on Jared." I said grabbing his hand.

I have to talk to him like I do with a toddler. It's sad how I can't act myself around him at the moment.

"Okay now where going to step into the car."

"Ohhh this is a nice car you got!"

He stops.
"Why all of a sudden you like me now after what I just did to ya?"

"I don't know, you know just taking steps...slowly." I said

"Ya really think I'm stupid...don't cha?"

"No of course not. Your smart and intelligent." I said with a fake smile.

He starts laughing. I laugh with him. All of a sudden he stops. He looks at me and gives me the 'evil eye'. I change the subject

"Um you should put your seat belt on."

He flips his eyes and looks away. Meanwhile it just got quiet.

"Someone's liking the view out the window." I 'happily' said

He ignores me.

"Jared?" I whispered

He turned around and started glaring at me.

"That's not my name."

"Then what else can it be?"

"I'll tell you when we get home...speaking about home are we almost there yet?"

"Five minutes away."

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