Chapter 6:unexpected notice

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*third pov*

margot opens the door. she squiels. margot jumps into her boyfriend tom ackerleys arms and kisses him with excitment all over.

"i missed you so much. i havent seen you in forever!!"

jared just stands there leaning on the door. he looks away letting margot not notice him. jared wanted them to have there 'moment'.

margot jumps down from tom and grabs his hand. she looks at him with a wide and happy smile.

"tom i wantchu ta meet jared. you obviously know who he his."

tom shakes jared hand. tom grabs margots hips and whispers in her ear.

"is that the psychopath?"

margot shakes her head.

"tom please just shut up. i dont want to talk about it. hes changed. hes different now..a little. just be calm with him. i dont want to see one of his other episodes with YOU."

jared leans over.

"you guys are really good at whispering." he whispered sarcastically.

jared looks at tom and gives him a thumbs up.

"well talk about this later" tom finished.

margot bites her lip.

"um come sit down with us jared."


"so margot tomorrow im gonna be headed off on plane."


"yeah i got a movie comin up remember."

" dont. tom you never told me. what?"

"margot im sorry i know we had plans and all but-"

"yeah big plans. we were supposed to be goin to the beach,we were supposed be on vacation comin up when i have a week break from filming. what the hell"

"i know im sorry."

"you promised me too that you would take off for a little while. Ugh sucks"

toms phone rings.

"sorry i gotta take this call." Tom hissed

"no tom listen to me."

" second. geez"

"yeah hello?" Toms voiced echoed

tom gets up and walks to his bedroom.

margot looks at jared and chuckles.

"how can he just walk off on me like that."

jared shrugs and smiles.

"dont be mad but personally i thought that was kind of rude of him. if i were your boyfriend i would deny that phone call no matter who it was...annnnd i would probably turn off my phone." Jared said

"ha!i wish he can do that. sometimes he just gets on my nerves but i deal with it."

tom comes back.

"alright bye..bye see you tomorrow....huh..ohhhhh. yeah that long...yeah..yup. its only a few months."

margot jaw drops.

tom sits down and hangs up.

"who was that?" She asked frowning

"the producer."

"a few months? a few months for what?"

"im gonna be gone for a few months."

"a few months!? why cant you tell me things ahead of time??"

tom just shrugs

"wow. if you told me this a few weeks before we could've sorted things out. tom you just came back." Margot whined

"well your lucky that im here right now." Tom hissed

"tom. but still w-"

"you have really horrible patience." He said

margot jaw drops a little

"thank you actually! now you just might be talking about yourself! you have no patience with your phone you have no patience with me!" She spit

while margots scolding tom,tom just ignores her and turns to jared.

"do you mind if i can ask you to leave."

margot stops and touches tom.

"no jared stays."

she looks at jared

"jared stay here." She said with her hand out.

"no jared as you can see what im dealin with right now i advise you to step out. " tom asked

jared sits up and grabs his coat.

margot sits up and follows him. before hes out the door she closes it. she turns to tom while she's holding the door shut. her arm was right in front of Jared's face. he doesn't say a word.

"who invited him? i did so you cant tell MY guest to leave thats my decision. mine." Margot scolded

"im just not gonna say anything i dont want to get into this mess." jared said

margot thinks for a second.

she mouths to tom 'please dont make him change'

tom flips his yes.

"margot you can be a real pain in the ass. i'm out."


"i'm leaving to plane."

"what why its supposed to be tomorrow. "

"anyway the guy on the phone told me to leave tonight." Tom said

"so i see what you did there. you want jared to leave so ill have nothing to do so ill get tired and go to sleep and you leave while i'm knocked out. oh okay i see how it is trickster."

"jokes on him." jared scoffed.

tom flips his eyes and walks out the door. He stops to say one more thing.

"When i come back that attitude should change you know. You sound really stupid. Oh im sorry i didnt know you wanted to be embarrased in front of jarrrreedd." Tom teases

"Heya." Jared said sternly.

"Slik bitch." Margot shouted.

Margot locks the door. She leads jared back to the living room. She sighs

" his stuff was probably already" Margot chuckled

"Ah where were we?" She asked

Jared chuckles

"I dont even remeber"

"Haha me neither..ummm what do you wanna do?" Margot said plotting on the couch with jared.

"well do you mind if i can take you somewhere. I wanna show you something." Jared said with a grin

"Alright sounds good."

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